Friday, August 23, 2024

James 5:9-20  "Do not complain, brethren, against one another, that you yourselves may not be judged; behold the Judge is standing right at the door."  

 James knows all about complaining.. grumbling.. holding a grudge... He and his brothers grumbled against Jesus... until He visited them after He rose again.  We know from John 7: 3-5 that James and his brothers did not believe in Jesus, but after the resurrection they were among the people in the upper room with the disciples. ( Acts 1:14)   Meeting the resurrected Savior should change our attitudes towards others.. James, himself, is our example!

 James advises his readers to look to the "prophets" as examples of "suffering and patience".  They suffered and endured.  They are evidence that the Lord is "full of compassion and is merciful."  Keep trusting. 

He also teaches us to not take oaths but to just be honest in what you do and say.. to pray,.. to sing praises.. to reach out to those  in leadership to pray and anoint you in the name of the Lord. 

James talks about the "prayer of faith".  Pray like Elijah did.. earnestly. 

And, finally, James gives an exhortation for us to help those of our fellowship who might "stray from the truth".. we have a responsibility to one another.. to turn them back.. to love him or her enough to let them know that you see what's going on and help them to turn back to the truth. 

There is a definite sequence to these exhortations.. which I need to make personal.. 

 I need  patience and strength of heart.. waiting on the Lord. 

 I need to repent of my grudges and complaints against other christians.. 

I need to learn from the prophets how to endure in suffering.. 

I  need to speak clearly and honestly. 

I need to pray! Fervently.. 

I  need to seek help for myself  when  I need it.

And then.. I can  help..come alongside my fellow believer who is struggling with sin... and turn them back to the truth. 

Father, do this work in me.. in us.. all who are Your children and desire to walk in Your ways.  Fill us with that godly wisdom that comes from above and with faith that is unwavering.  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen

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