Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Haggai 2  This chapter contains 3 separate messages that the prophet was given for those rebuilding the Temple.  

Verses 1-9  are words of encouragement for those who were comparing the current building with the glorious Temple that Solomon had build.  They were told to "take courage"!   Take courage because God was with them.. ( v4).  Take courage because His Spirit "is abiding in your midst." (v5) And take courage because there will be a day when the Lord will "shake the heavens and the earth... all the nations.. and the Temple of the Lord will be filled with glory. (vs. 6-7)  What they lacked.. God does not lack. "The silver and the gold is Mine, declares the Lord of hosts." 

The future house will  have more glory than even Solomon's temple.. it will be a place where there will be perfect peace. (v9)

Verses 10-19 are the second message.. 2 months later.  Here,  the Lord has Haggai ask the priests two questions about the Law.  The questions have to do with what is made holy or unholy.  If someone carried "holy meat" in a garment.. it would not automatically make anything else touched by that garment "holy." However, if something unclean touched anything else.. that would be made unclean.  If I am thinking about this correctly then I would say.. holiness cannot be transferred, but, unholiness.. uncleanness.. can be transferred. 

Haggai said, "So is this people. And so is this nation before Me.. and so is every work of their hands; and what they offer there is unclean." (v14)   Once again the Lord calls the people to "Consider their ways." From that day forward there would be a change.. a change in the hearts of the people.. and a change in their circumstances.. for the Lord was going to bless them beginning that day.. as the foundation of the Temple was laid.. the 24th day of the 9th month. 

Verses 20-23 This is a message addressed to Zerubbabel, the governor.  Zerubbabel was a descendant of David and named in Matthew in the lineage of Jesus.  It was not an accident or coincidence that Zerubbabel was in this place at this time.  "I have chosen you."  the Lord tells him.  When that day comes.. when all of heaven and earth is shaken.. when all thrones and  kingdoms are destroyed.. when every army is overthrown.. "On that day.. " the Lord tells him, " I will take you, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, My servant.. and I will make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you."  Can you imagine how encouraged this man would be after this?  

So what can we take from this passage.. what is the Shepherd saying to us today?  

Perhaps we are disappointed by how things are going.. in our lives.. or in our world.. and we need to be reminded to "take courage".. for a day is coming when the heavens and the earth will be shaken..but the Kingdom of God will never be shaken! We have a God who lacks nothing! Let us be encouraged!

Perhaps we need to be reminded that our God is holy and all that we offer to Him must be holy.. set apart from uncleanness.. from sin and death.  Perhaps we need to consider our ways.. and seek to do everything in His way.. to His glory. 

And perhaps, we need to be encouraged like Zerubbabel.. that God has chosen us for His purposes according to His timing.  We are made for this time and for this place.. because the God of hosts has chosen to put us here! 

Father in heaven, hallowed is Your Name.. You alone are our God, our Creator , and our Provider. Be glorified in our lives as You accomplish Your purposes in each of us.  May our hearts be courageous.. cleansed.. and committed to walking in Your ways.  Your Spirit is in our midst.. You are with us. Thank You! In Jesus' name.. Amen!

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