Monday, September 2, 2024

 Zechariah 4-6  Zechariah is "woken up" by an angel, but then given another vision.. he sees a gold lamp stand, 2 olive trees, a huge flying scroll, a woman in a bushel basket.. who is taken away by two other women with wings like storks, four chariots.. each with different colored horses, and finally Joshua the high priest seated on a throne with a silver and gold ornate crown on his head. 

Zechariah keeps asking questions... longing to know the meaning of all these things.. but seems to be left with more questions than answers.  However, there are some things that he does learn that are encouraging.  For instance, he is told that without a doubt Zerubbabel will complete the rebuilding of the Temple.  " 'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit' says the Lord of hosts."  is the message for the governor. 

Zechariah is also shown that God's angels are at work throughout the land.. patrolling the earth.. doing whatever the Lord sends them to do.  He also is assured that God sees those who are stealing or lying.. and that He judges those who are wicked.  May we also be encouraged that God is still at work in our world.. even when we don't see it!

The final verse in chapter 6 seems to be the whole point of these visions... " And it will take place, if you completely obey the Lord your God."  The temple will be rebuilt.. the High Priest will reign.. the "Branch" will come.  There is a future for Israel.  God has a plan and He will accomplish what He chooses.  We cannot begin to understand all that is in the mind of our Lord.  But, we can trust Him.. and we must obey His Word. 

Father in heaven,  I don't understand all these symbols and descriptions.. but I do believe that You have a good plan and You will fulfill all of Your Words.  I thank You for sending Jesus, the righteous One who sits on the throne as King and as High Priest.  Thank You for the salvation that is complete in Christ. One day, we will understand what we only see partially now. Until that day, may we walk in truth and in integrity, in obedience to Your commands, to the glory of our Lord. Amen. 

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