Thursday, August 15, 2024

 James 2:1-13  The next thing that James addresses in his letter to the church is the problem of partiality.. or favoritism.   His example is in verses 2-3.  If a rich man enters the meeting and is treated well, but a poor man comes in and is treated poorly.. this is partiality... and that is a sin.  James says that whenever we make "a distinction".. judging "with evil motives"  then we are wrong.  " If you show partiality you are committing sin.. " 

We judge by human standards and not by God's.  We forget that "God chooses the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him.. "  We also forget that it is often the rich who "oppress".. and "blaspheme".  What is more important than someone's wealth or status is their need for salvation.  What we should always do.. no matter who we have entering our doors.. is love them.. for the royal law is: " You shall love your neighbor as yourself.." 

"So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty."  God is looking at our hearts and He judges our motives... and thankfully He shows us mercy and forgiveness when we fail.  Likewise we are to show mercy and not judgement.. for " mercy triumphs over judgement." 

Father in heaven, You see my heart and know my motives. Forgive me for any partiality or favoritism that I have been guilty of.  Change my thinking and the way I see others.  Let me be merciful and not judgmental.. always.. Thank You for showing me Your great mercy and grace. Fill the hearts of all who read these words.. with a greater, impartial.. love for all those we encounter. We ask this in the power of the Name above all names.. Jesus. Amen. 

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