Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 James 1:12   "Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial.. "  James circles back to his first point.. trials test our faith..and produce endurance.  When we have passed the test.. when we have stayed faithful to Christ.. we will be "blessed".. We will "receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."   We can "count it all joy".. because of His promise! 

Yes, ask for wisdom. 

Yes, don't waver in believing He hears you. 

Yes, trust the One to whom you belong.

Yes, remember that life is fleeting.  That nothing else has value unless you have Christ as Your hope and life. 

Believe.. persevere ... give Him glory... and rejoice!

Verses 13-17 

We are all tempted. But we must not be deceived.  Temptation is not from God.  God will not tempt us to do evil. " .. He Himself does not tempt anyone."  

Temptation is a result of "evil desire".. we are enticed by those things that we lust after.. those things that are "forbidden".  Sin is birthed, James tells us, when "lust has conceived".   Lust seizes and takes prisoner; it catches the soul and the will. It takes hold and won't let go. When we yield to those desires.. we sin.. and when we sin.. the result is death.  "Don't be deceived, my dear brothers and sisters." 

How do we deal with these desires?  James gives us the answer.. " Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow."   We look up!  We turn around.. and fix our eyes on the One who tells us to ask for wisdom.. who can be trusted to care for us and provide all we need. 

I'm reminded of Adam and Eve in the garden. They were tempted by the evil one.. and desired the forbidden fruit.. they yielded to this desire and sin was birthed.  If only they had turned around! If only they would have looked at all the Father of lights had already provided! If only they would have remembered all the good gifts that they had already been given! If only they would have believed the "Word of truth"!

Think of Jesus in the wilderness.. being tempted by the evil one.  He never yielded.  He was hungry but did not lust after bread. He was offered the nations.. but He would not worship satan, looking only to the One True God, His Father. who gave Him authority over all of creation.  He was taken to the top of the temple and told to jump.. to test whether or not the Father would keep His Word to protect Him.. but He refused.  He would not yield. Lust could not seize Him and sin could not be born in Him. He was never deceived.. and He conquered death!  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, let Your will be done in us today.. deliver us from the evil one and the temptations that are common to man.  Help us to keep our eyes on Jesus and to follow in His ways. Keep our minds stayed on You, the giver of every good and perfect gift. You are all we need. Thank You for the Word that brings light and life to all who will believe. Fill us with Your Spirit and Wisdom today we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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