Monday, August 19, 2024

 James 3  What is it about our tongues?  Those vital organs that we use to speak.. the language that we use to communicate.. the part of us that has such power... to steer us away from truth and righteousness and into the fire?  James compares it to the bit used in a horses mouth to control their movement.. or a rudder on a ship that controls its direction.  "Even so the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things.. " 

A tongue that is not controlled is a dangerous thing.. James says it can set a whole forest on fire.. it can corrupt the whole body.. it can set your life on fire.. the fire from hell.  The tongue can't be tamed.. it is unruly "full of deadly poison".  

We may use our tongues to speak blessings.. and then turn around and speak curses.  It is like a fig tree producing olives.. or a spring producing both salt and fresh water.  It is unacceptable. 

So, what do we do?  James returns to his thoughts in chapter 1.. we ask for wisdom.  We live by true faith that leads to good works. We seek what God alone can give... "wisdom that comes from heaven".. wisdom that is "pure.. peace-loving.. considerate.. submissive.. full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." 

Father in heaven,  we ask that You would write Your words on our hearts, that You would transform our thinking by renewing our minds, and that You would take control of our tongues like the pilot on a ship takes control of his vessel.  Lead us in paths of righteousness and fill us with Your wisdom. We need You Lord.. every day and every hour.. fill us with Your Holy Spirit we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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