Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 James 1:18-27 

Our Father,  "in the exercise of His will" .. deliberately, purposefully.. "brought us forth by the word of truth."  He gave us new birth.. for His purposes.. "so that we might be, as it were the first fruits among His creatures." 

First fruits... the portion of the harvest that was set apart as an offering to God.  The portion that is considered holy.. sacred.. This is what the "word of truth" accomplishes in the life of those who believe and who are made new in Christ Jesus. 

As new creations.. set apart by the Father, James reminds us to "be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger."  Anger..  wrath.. violence... will not lead to righteousness.  Neither will " moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent.. "  Instead, we are warned to "humbly accept the word planted in you, which will save you." 

James draws us a picture.. it is of you or me.. we stand before a mirror and study our own face. Then we walk away.. busy with our duties of the day, and never think about our image in that mirror.  This is the same way that someone lives who hears the Word, but never does what it says.  It's useless to change the kind of person they are..   But, if we look "intently at the perfect law.. and abide by it.. " If we do it.. we shall "be blessed" in all we do.  

Again, James warns us to not be deceived.  To not deceive ourselves. If the Word of God does not change our lives.. if it is just another book.. if we don't take it into our hearts.. we have a "worthless" religion.  But, if the Word of God is living and active.. in us.. if we hear it AND do what it says.. that is "pure and undefiled religion".. for we will do the things that God tells us to do.. "to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world."  

Father, fill us with the Word of Truth so that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds and hearts.  May we be hearers and doers of Your Word.  May the power of Your Spirit have His way in our lives.. every hour of every day.. to the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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