Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Zechariah 1   This prophet preached at the same time as Haggai. This first message occurs 2 months after Haggai's first message and the second one, which starts at verse 7 takes place 2 months after Haggai's last one.  They both addressed the exiles who had returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.  They both saw the temple.. and stirred up the people and leadership to finish the rebuilding. 

Zechariah's first message can be summed up in verse 3 "Return to Me, declares the Lord, that I may return to you.. "   They are reminded of the past.. when the prophets warned their forefathers.. who did not listen.. and who were dealt with according to their "ways" and "deeds".   

This is what our God does.. He is perfectly just.  He warns us.. but if we refuse to listen and repent, we will face His judgement. Thankfully, He is also merciful and loving and His desire is for us to be in fellowship with Him.  What a sweet word... "Return to Me.. that I may return to You."   So thankful that He has made a way for us!

The second message is a little different.  Zechariah has a vision or dream.  He sees a man on a red horse. There are other horses and angels around... some who have come from patrolling the earth.  The patrol reports that there is peace and quiet in  "all the earth".  Then the Lord speaks with "gracious and comforting words".  The message is that He is "exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and Zion."  He will return to Jerusalem.. the Temple will be rebuilt... the cities will prosper.. and the nations that came against Israel, will be thrown down. 

As we look at Jerusalem today.. in the light of current events, we see that there is no temple.. the nations surrounding her are still fighting against her.. and there is no "peace and quiet" in all the earth. But.. there will be!  A day will come.. and may it come soon.. when the Lord will return to us.. forever!  Meanwhile, let us heed the message of Zechariah.. and return to the Lord!

Father in heaven, we long for that day when we will see the New Jerusalem, coming in beauty and glory. We pray for those who are living out of fellowship with You, that they would heed the warnings and turn back to You.  We pray for those who have not heard the Good News of Jesus Christ who has made a way for  them to find forgiveness for their sins and new life in Him. Let the Word of God be preached!  Bring revival to our land, Lord God, and to our cities, and to our churches.  May the power of Your Spirit be poured out once again so that there will be a greater harvest for the glory of Your Name. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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