Wednesday, June 28, 2023

 John 21  "After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples... "   John says that this is the third time that Jesus came to them.. twice in a closed room.. and this time by the shore of the sea.  Apparently,  7 of the disciples were fishing that night, catching nothing.. until Jesus tells them to throw in the net on the right-hand side of the boat.  When they immediately caught a large haul of fish, John recognized the Lord. 

Peter, ever spontaneous, jumped into the water and swam to shore.  He couldn't wait to be with Jesus.  He didn't care about the fish.. or the others.. just about getting to Jesus as quickly as he could.  As it was, Jesus already had fish and bread prepared for them... cooking on a charcoal fire. 

Jesus had a specific purpose in meeting Peter that morning. "Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?"  He asked Peter.. three times if he loved Him..  Each time Peter responded "yes".  And each time Jesus instructed him what he should do:  "Tend My lambs... shepherd my sheep... Tend my sheep..."   Peter's love for Jesus would lead him to care for those that belong to Him.  

Peter had once promised to die for Jesus.. and now Jesus tells him that he would grow old.. stretch out his hands.. and be taken where he did not want to go..   John tells us that this signified " by what kind of death he would glorify God".   

Peter was given one last instruction, "Follow Me!"   He tried to ask about John.. but Jesus wanted to Peter to focus on himself for that moment.. "You follow Me!"  No matter what happens to any other person.. we each have the same calling and responsibility as believers.. to follow Jesus.. to love Him.. to love others.. to care for the lambs and the sheep.. to glorify God.. in life and in death. 

Father in heaven, give us each that same desire.. to be with Jesus as much as we can.. to say yes, we love You.. to love and care for others.. to follow Jesus wherever He takes us. Come and fill us with Your love and grace that we might glorify You.. in life and in death.. in all that we do and say.  Let Your good and perfect will be done in us today we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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