Wednesday, June 14, 2023

 John 17: 1-5   In the final hour.. as the betrayer leads the enemy into the garden.. as the completion of His mission is at hand,  Jesus prays.  The first part of this prayer is personal.. between the Father and His Son... and we are privileged to listen in... 

"Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy Son that the Son may glorify Thee."  This has been the desire and purpose of His whole life on earth.. to reveal the One True God.. that we might KNOW Him.  The Father gave the Son "authority over all mankind".  He gave Him the privilege of granting eternal life to those He had "given Him".  Jesus "accomplished the work" that was given to Him.  He asks that He be glorified.. through the suffering, through the sacrifice, through His death, through His resurrection and His restoration to the "glory which [He] had with [the Father] before the world was ."  Jesus asks that He be glorified so that He can glorify the Father.... "that God's wisdom, power, and love might be known through Jesus". ( Bible Knowledge Commentary). 

This ultimate purpose.. the glory of God.. is the reason for everything.  It is why Jesus came.. why He died.. and why He rose again.  It is why He was given authority over all mankind.. and why He could give eternal life to those who belong to Him.  

"Eternal life,"  Jesus says, " .. that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent."  This is the work Jesus was sent to do.. and which He accomplished.... for the Father's glory. 

E.M.Bounds writes about this.. "Let us stop and ask, have we eternal life? Do we know God experimentally, consciously, and do we know Him really and personally? Do we know Jesus Christ as a person, and as a personal Savior? Do we know Him by a heart acquaintance, and know Him well? This, this only, is eternal life. And is Jesus glorified in us? Let us continue this personal inquiry.  Do our lives prove his divinity? And does Jesus shine brighter because of us? Are we opaque or transparent bodies, and do we darken or reflect His pure light? Once more let us ask: Do we seek God's glory?  Do we seek glory where Christ sought it? 'Glorify thou me with thy own self.' Do we esteem the presence and the possession of God our most excellent glory and our supreme good?"

Father in heaven, we pray that You will be glorified. We pray that Christ will be magnified in our lives.. that His glory will be seen and known in our lives.. that we will KNOW You.. the One True God and Jesus Christ the Blessed Son.. Have Your way in our hearts and minds and souls we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen.

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