Thursday, June 22, 2023

 John 18:12-27  They found Jesus in the garden.. He was clearly unarmed and compliant.. identifying Himself to them.. and yet they found it necessary.. this large troop of Roman soldiers.. to bind Him.  To tie Him up and take Him away. 

  First, Jesus is taken to Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas and the one who still held some power,  who questioned Him about His teaching and His disciples. 

Simon Peter and "another disciple" followed this procession.  Somehow, this other disciple was "known to the high priest" and was allowed in to the courtyard.  He went and brought Peter in also.  Here, is where Peter begins to fail.. he denies Jesus.. to a "slave-girl". (v17)  Then he denies Jesus again as he stands before a fire with slaves and officers. (v18,25).  A third time, Peter denies Jesus to a relative of  Malchus, the slave that Peter had attacked in the garden. (v26)   

Then the rooster crowed. The BKC comments on this. "A rooster crowing.. reveals God's sovereignty and the movement of all things in His plan and timing."  Jesus had warned Peter that this would happen.  Luke tells us that "the Lord turned and looked at Peter." ( Luke 22:61) And that Peter went out of the courtyard weeping bitterly.  Peter could not even handle being questioned by slaves... he had failed to follow through on his commitment to Jesus. In realizing his failure, Peter's heart broke. 

Jesus, in contrast to Peter, stood firm before the high priest. He spoke openly about His teaching. He was not an insurrectionist. He was not a heretic. There were plenty of witnesses that could testify on His behalf. But, the truth was not wanted here.  "Annas therefore sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest."

Father, we understand just how very weak we are without Your strength. We are thankful that You offer us strength and help in times of trouble.  Yet, we know that we sometimes fail to stand firm.  Please help us to put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of peace, the helmet of salvation.. today.  May we take up our shield of faith and our sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.. that we might stand firm in Jesus Christ.. for His glory and for Yours. May we be faithful in prayer and faithful in our witness.. proclaiming Jesus and never denying Him.  We are asking for the power of Your Spirit to work in us what we cannot do on our own. Fill us continually that we might be strong until the end. We ask this in Jesus' powerful Name. Amen. 

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