Monday, June 12, 2023

 John 16:1-15  All that Jesus told His disciples in those few hours were for this purpose.. "that you may be kept from stumbling.."  His warnings.. His words were vitally important because of what would happen in just a little while.  They needed to know why.. a question we often want to ask our Lord.. Why?  Here Jesus says, "And these things they will do, because they have not know the Father, or Me." 

When that hour came.. the disciples needed to rest in Jesus.. to remember what Jesus told them, so they could stand firm. It took them a while.. but they did stand firm in the end. 

 When we face our own trials, we also need to remember what Jesus said.. that trials would come, persecution would come, suffering would come..  and when they do.. .He would be with us.. that we can KNOW the Father.. we can KNOW Jesus.. that the Spirit has been given to us to guide us into all truth. He will enable US to stand firm too!

"But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you."  The "Helper".. the "Paracletos" called alongside to help.. has been given to us who believe.. to speak the Words of Jesus.. to disclose His truths.. and to "convict the world concerning sin, and righteousness, and judgement." ( v8)

The "Spirit of truth" has been given to us.. to work in us.. that we might continue to walk in the Truth that Jesus speaks.  Truth that the world needs to hear.. so that He can bring conviction "concerning sin".. to those who do not yet believe in Jesus.  

He will convict "concerning righteousness" Jesus said, "because I go to the Father and you no longer behold Me."  Jesus is the supreme example of righteousness.. and we, as His followers, are called to walk in righteousness.. shining as lights in this dark world.. so that through us, the world can see what a righteous life looks like.. and the Spirit can work in their souls.. revealing to them the need for repentance.  

The Spirit will also convict the world "concerning judgement"..  the reality that just as Satan "has been judged".. everyone faces a certain judgement before God.  The world desperately needs to know that their lives.. their words and their actions.. their thoughts and motives.. are known by God.. nothing hidden.. and that they will face the consequences for their choices before the throne of a Holy God. 

The Spirit of truth is in us to speak the Word into us.. into our minds and hearts and souls..  to transform our thinking... to transform US..  by taking the things of Jesus and disclosing them to us.. As we read in I Peter 4:1 last night in our church Bible study.. "... arm yourself with the same way of thinking... " as Christ.. the same "purpose" the NASB says.. the same "attitude" the NIV says.  We are given His Spirit so that He can work in us His works through His Word.. that people will be convicted of their sins, know what is right ( and see what is wrong).. and realize that there will be a Judge who sees all.. knows all... and will render a final verdict. 

Father in heaven, pour out the Spirit of truth to fill our hearts and minds with the Truth of the Word that we might bear witness of Jesus and lead others to Him. Abide in us Lord Jesus as we abide in Your Word that we might bear much fruit to the glory of the Father. Amen. 

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