Thursday, June 8, 2023

 John 15:12-17     Jesus has given us the secret to living fruitful lives.. "Abide in Me... " like a branch abides in the vine. (v4) .. "abide in Me".. and I will abide in you (v5).. "If you abide in Me and My words abide in you..." (v7) then ask.. and fruit will be produced to the glory of God.  Keeping His commandments is evidence of abiding in His love.  (v10)

And His number one commandment is " that you love one another, just as I have loved you."  The Father loves the Son.. and the Son loves us. His love is the foundation.. the prototype.. the perfect example.. and the necessary ingredient for keeping His commandments and living a fruitful life that glorifies God and brings joy to the Savior. 

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."  Jesus called His disciples His friends.. He "made known" to them "all things that I have heard from My Father.."  He chose them.. He appointed them to be fruit-bearers.  He loved them and He commands them to "love one another". 

Jesus repeated His promise again.. "..  that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give to you.."  The promise is connected to abiding.. and producing fruit... lasting fruit.    Our prayers are necessary.. for abiding in Jesus and for being fruitful.  We have been taught that we cannot do anything apart from Jesus. ( v5) We can't abide.. we can't love.. we can't bear the likeness of our Lord.. unless we pray and ask the Father in Jesus' name.  If we neglect prayer.. we cannot abide.. and we cannot be fruitful.. we will be branches that must be pruned.. or worse...  

Father in heaven, we come in the Name of Jesus, to ask that You will abide in us as we abide in You.. knowing that we cannot even do this without Your love moving in our lives.. You have called  us to Yourself.. You have brought  us to faith in Christ the Lord.  We want to live.. to abide in Jesus.. as branches to the Vine, that we might bear much fruit for Your glory.  We ask that You would fulfill Your purpose in us today according to Your perfect and good will.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

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