Tuesday, June 6, 2023

 John 14:19-31  Jesus told the disciples these things.. these hard to understand.. confusing truths.. so that "when it comes to pass, you may believe".   We know the disciples were confused .. because of the questions asked.  But, Jesus told them that when the Holy Spirit came "He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." 

They would understand that the world would not be able to see Him any longer but that they ( the disciples)  would "behold" Him.  That because He lived.. they would also live. (v19)

They would understand that keeping His commandments would reveal their love for Him.... and that those who loved Him would be loved by the Father.  They would understand that His love for them would not end.. and that He would "disclose" Himself to them.  (v21)

They would understand that loving Him and keeping His word.. are the way to abiding with Him and with the Father.  (v23-24)

They would understand that all Jesus did was in obedience to the Father and because of His love for the Father..  ( v 31)  

He wasn't asking them to do anything that He Himself did not do.  Jesus is the Standard, the Alpha, the Beginning.. He taught them with His words and His actions.  These are the truths that we can live by.. lived out in the life of the Son of God. 

"Peace I leave with you.." Jesus told them.. and we hold on to that promise.. of a peace that is outside of the world's reign.. a peace that takes troubled and fearful hearts and brings the sweet Presence of God into all those who trust in Him.. who love Him.. who keep His commands. 

Father in heaven, we need Your peace.. we need Your Presence.. help us to trust in You fully and to rest in Your love. Give us hearts of love and obedience to Your word and open eyes to see Jesus and to follow Him always. We ask this in His name. Amen. 

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