Friday, June 9, 2023

 John 15:18-27  "Hate".   Such a strong word.  We don't like it.  We don't want to be hated. We don't want to hate.  But, here it is.  Jesus says, " ... the world hates you.. "  And, we know that this is reality. 

Jesus tells us that the reason we will be hated by the world is because of their hatred for Him and because we are no longer "of the world" with them.  We have been separated.. chosen..and belong to Him now.  

The Bible Dictionary defines hate or hatred as "A strong negative reaction, a feeling toward someone considered an enemy as well as loving someone less than another."  We are commanded NOT to hate our enemies.. but we are expected to hate those things that oppose God.  Hatred is not always an emotional hostility.. but a "conscious establishment of priorities".. such as loving God more than ourselves or our families.. 

Jesus is teaching us here that we will be hated by the world because of our life in Him.. He is hated by the enemy just as His Father is hated by the enemy.  There is no excuse for this hatred.... sin is the root cause. When people hate God.. when they hate Jesus.. they will hate us who belong to Him too.   They would rather have darkness than the light. They would rather keep their idols than the True and Living God. They would rather hate.. than to love.  This hatred is irrational.. there is no real cause.. there is not excuse.. but it is real. 

Our world today is hostile to Christians.. without cause.  Rationally it makes no sense to me.. think about the persecution in many parts of our world.  They imprison, beat, ostracize, and even kill people just because they love Jesus.  Innocent, kind, caring, non-violent, honest, hard-working, and precious people are hated.. for no cause.  Just like Jesus was.  We are beginning to see this in our own country.. law suits against Christian business owners.. targeted because of their religious beliefs... and now slander and threats against those of us who do not believe in their propaganda.. especially regarding abortion rights and sexual immorality. 

Hatred..  is a reality.  Jesus said it would be so and it is. But, as He reminded His disciples.. "When the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of Truth. who proceeds from the Father, He will bear witness of Me, and you will bear witness also, because you have been with Me from the beginning."  The Bible Knowledge Commentary says it this way, "As the apostles witnessed, the Holy Spirit persuaded, and people were saved. The same combination of human obedience to the divine command coupled with the witness of the Spirit is needed in every generation." 

Father, may we bear witness of these truths.. of Jesus our Lord... so that others may be saved. May we stand firm. May we love and not hate. May we abide in Christ and Christ in us. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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