Monday, June 26, 2023

 John 19:16-42  Jesus carried "His own cross, to the place called the Place of the Skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha."  

The old rugged cross, as the song goes.. "a wondrous attraction to me".... " a wondrous beauty".. yet a symbol "despised by the world".. of "shame and reproach".. stained with His blood.. and cherished by those who love the "dear lamb of God." 

They crucified Him between two thieves.

They divided His clothes and cast lots for His cloak. 

They pierced His side.  But, they did not break His legs. 

They took Him down and laid Him in an unused tomb. 

Every single thing that was done to Jesus fulfilled prophecy.. proving over and over that this was God's plan for Him.. that He is the Messiah.. the Lord's anointed One.  "After this, Jesus, knowing that all things had already been accomplished in order that the Scripture might be fulfilled, said, 'I am thirsty.'"  He received the sour wine.. bowed His head and proclaimed, "It is finished".  

Standing at the cross.. Mary watched.  I can't begin to imagine the agony. All the words and experiences stored up in her heart... did she know that she would see Him again in just a few days?  Was her faith strong enough to bear it all?  We know she was in the room at Pentecost... as were Jesus' brothers.  They believed and were filled with the Spirit of God that day. But, what about that day at the cross?  Mary stood there with John and a few other women.  The cross was not a wondrous thing at all... it was not cherished and she would not cling to it. But, Jesus, her son.. the Son of God.. she cherished with all her heart. 

Father in heaven,  we remember the cross.. we know the height and depth and width and length of Your love.. in the sacrifice of the Precious Lamb of God.  How can we ever thank You for this gift of perfect love and grace.  Jesus, our Savior, we  cling to You.. You are truly Wonderful and we exalt Your Name. Praise to the Father and to the Son and to the Spirit forever... Amen. 

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