Tuesday, June 13, 2023

 John 16:16-33 Jesus was going away "a little while".. and the disciples didn't know what to think of that.  Even though He had told them.. more than once.. they still didn't get it.  But, Jesus was preparing them for what was about to happen.. that they were going to "weep and lament",  but after that they would rejoice! Like a woman in labor.. there will be a time of pain.. but just like the joy of holding that newborn baby.. they would have a joy that would never be taken away. 

Just like them...we have times in our lives when we "weep and lament".. when life is hard and Jesus seems far away. But, like the disciples.. we can trust in His Words.. "A little while, and you will see Me.."  What joy we will have on that day! We will rejoice with Jesus for all of eternity.  Let us hold on to that promise!

Once again, Jesus reminds His disciples of their privilege .. to pray in His name.. to ask the Father "for anything".. to ask so that their "joy may be made full." He reminds them that the Father loves them.. that He is going to the Father.. but that it is good.  They are about to be "scattered".. but they need to just keep believing .  "In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world." 

Father, we ask for this promised joy.. fullness of joy in serving Jesus. We ask you for courage.. to stand firm in faith.. trusting You to provide all we need to live in Your Presence and power.  Help us to cling to the truth and walk in obedience, for Your glory.  Abide in us Lord Jesus.. that we might bear much fruit. We ask this in Your name, Amen

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