Thursday, June 15, 2023

 John 17:6-12  In His prayer Jesus speaks to His Father about completing His mission.. to glorify the Father and to be glorified through what He has accomplished.. especially what He will do in just a few hours.. complete surrender to the cross.. the sacrificial Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. 

Jesus begins to pray now for His disciples.  They were the men that He revealed Himself to.. " I manifested Thy name to... " them.  They belonged to the Father and were given to the Son.. "out of the world".  These  men "have kept Thy word."  These are the ones who came to know Jesus.. knew His oneness with the Father.. knew that every word He said and every thing He did.. was from the Father.  These were the true believers and Jesus loved them.. so He asked the Father to grant them what they would and we need the most... 

".. to keep them in Thy name." 

He does not ask this for the world.. but only for the ones "given" Him.. the ones who belong to God. 

EM Bounds expounds upon this.. " He prays that they might be kept by the holy Father, in all holiness by the power of his name. He asks that his people may be kept from sin, from all sin, from sin in the concrete and sin in the abstract, from sin in all its shapes of evil, from all sin in this world. He prays that they might not only be fit and ready for heaven, but ready and fit for earth, for  its sweetest privileges, its sternest duties, its deepest sorrows, and its richest joys; ready for all of its trials, consolations, and triumphs. ' I pray not that thous shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil.'  He prays that they may be kept from the world's greatest evil, which is sin. He desires that they may be kept from the guilt, the power, the pollution, and the punishment of sin....  Kept from the devil, so that he might not touch them, nor find them, nor have a place in them; that they might be owned, possessed, filled and guarded by God. ' Kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation.'" 

And this my friends, is how Jesus Christ intercedes for us.. His own...  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father, it is with all of our hearts and minds and wills that we ask that You would grant Jesus all that He has asked for us whom You have given Him.. keep us in Your Name we pray. Amen. 

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