Tuesday, June 20, 2023

 John 17: 22  I am still thinking about this verse.. "And the glory which Thou hast given Me I have given them;... "  What a gift.. what a treasure!  It is in Christ.. "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge... " that we gain such riches. Romans 9:22-24  tells us that God "endured with much patience vessels prepared for destruction.. in order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory, even us... "

Charles Spurgeon wrote in a little book called Christ's Incarnation this, "There was a great glory about our Lord Jesus Christ even in His state of humiliation."  As the shepherds heard the angels sing "Glory to God in the Highest!"  As the wise men followed the guiding star.. as they bowed before Him with their gifts to pay homage... we see that  "Wherever Christ is, He is honorable." He is "most glorious".. He is distinguished.   Yet, it is in His great mercy that the glory of Christ shines most brightly.  "It was great mercy that regarded the lowly estate of the shepherds, and it was far-reaching mercy which gathered from lands which lay in darkness a company of men made wise unto salvation. Mercy, wearing her resplendent jewels, was present with Divine sovereignty in the lowly abode of Bethlehem." 

There was glory in the first coming of our Lord... " there lies our rest; the once offered sacrifice hath put away our sin, and made peace with God. As for His second coming, there lies our hope, our joy; for 'we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is.' The glories of His royal priesthood shall be repeated in all the saints; for He hath 'made us unto our God kings and priests' and we shall reign with Him for ever and ever."

Spurgeon goes on to say, "At His first advent, we adore Him with gratitude rejoicing that He is 'God with us' making Himself to be our near Kinsman. We gather with grateful boldness around the Infant in the manger and behold our God. But, in the anticipation of His second advent, we are struck with a solemn reverence, a trembling awe. We are not less grateful, but we are more prostrate, as we bow before the majesty of the triumphant Christ. Jesus in His glory is an over-powering vision for mortal man to behold." 

Father, help us to behold "His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  May we continually rejoice in the glory of the incarnation.. the Word became flesh!  And may we wait with joyful expectation that day when we will behold His glory face to face.  We know that You loved the Son "before the foundation of the world"... and You have loved us with that same love.  May Your love be in us as Christ is in us.. according to His prayer as He intercedes for us even now in His place of glory.  Amen. 

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