Thursday, June 1, 2023

 John 14:1-14  Still in the upper room.. the traitor gone, the meal complete, the new commandment given.. the Lord tells His disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." 

Trouble was coming.. as trouble always does.. the night would end with the arrest of the Savior, the scattering of the disciples, the denial by Peter, the trial before the Sanhedrin... Trouble seems to follow us too sometimes.. and in this passage Jesus gives us the solution.. belief in God and belief in Him. 

We learn to trust Him through the trials. To trust His promises. To trust in the hope of eternity in the Father's house.. for Jesus made a promise.. " And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." 

Jesus tells us that He is the way..He is the road.. the mode and the means.. He is the route we take to go to His promised home.  He is also the truth.  We cannot go His way unless we go in the Truth.  Jesus is "the life" and without Him we are dead.. and without hope. We need all that Jesus provides.. so that we can not "be troubled"... even in the most trying of times. 

Jesus says that we "know the way".. because we know Him. When we know Him, then we know the Father.  To see Him is to see the Father.  To hear Him is to hear what the Father says. To experience His work is to experience the works of the Father. 

What a great mystery.. the Trinity is... The Father, the Son, and the Spirit.. hard to grasp, but so awesome and beautiful.  The power of God is revealed... so that our hearts can not "be troubled".  We can believe.. trust in Jesus and look forward to the day when the Way will be opened and He leads us to the place that He has prepared for each of us.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, may we grasp the greatness of Your promises to us.. may we walk in the Way of Jesus in Truth and in Life.. through the One who came to us and has gone to prepare a place for us. May we learn to believe so that our hearts are not troubled.. but resting in Your perfect peace.  Come quickly Lord Jesus! Amen. 

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