Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Teacher

 Luke 6  There is another important revelation to add to chapter five's list..  Jesus revealed His power, His authority, His willingness, His purpose, and His mission.. to this we find that Jesus reveals that He is "Lord of the Sabbath".   The Jewish leaders were very strict about the Sabbath laws. They added their own rules and used these rules to control people and to make themselves more important. So when the disciples ate some grain.. they jumped on that to judge Jesus.  But, Jesus did not submit to their false authority. Instead, He taught them that people are more important than rules..  David ate consecrated bread and was not condemned because of it.  Likewise, Jesus would heal the man with the withered hand.. for it is "lawful on the Sabbath to do good..."

After choosing 12 out of the multitude of disciples to be His apostles, Jesus again began to teach.  Luke's version of the Beatitudes is slightly different than Matthew's.. but the message is the same:

There are blessings for the poor who understand their great need.. 

There are blessings for the hungry and the weeping.. and the persecuted..

The rich receive comfort in this world and don't understand their great need for God's grace.  The well-fed are not prepared for the day of hunger.. the laughing ones are not prepared for mourning and weeping... Life is not just about the right now.. we need to live in light of eternity.. 

Jesus calls His followers to a different way of life... a life with eternity in view.. 

He calls us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hate us, to bless those who curse us, and to pray for those who mistreat us.  He calls us to give more than we are asked for, to not return evil for evil.  He calls us to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated.  He calls us to love... even the unlovable.. to do good to those who don't deserve it.. to be merciful.. to pardon.. to give.... like our Father in heaven. 

Jesus taught that we must take the logs out of our eyes.. remove from our hearts those things that produce bad fruit.. and to treasure what is good in our hearts. If we call Jesus "Lord", He says.. then we need to act upon His Words.. that is the foundation of a life that will not be shaken. 

As we focus on the Christ of Christmas this year...let us fill up our hearts with His Word.. like Mary, let us treasure these truths.. and then let us act upon them. 

Father in heaven, whatever You bring my way today.. may I draw from the love that You have poured into my heart.. and act out of love.  May I be generous and merciful, kind and just. May I love and comfort and encourage others. May I speak truth in love.  May I be Your witness to those I come into contact with. Spirit of God,  fill us with the power of love, patience, kindness, and self-control.  May good fruit be produced in us by the Your Holy Presence.  May the Life of Jesus be seen in us today we pray, Amen. 

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