Friday, December 16, 2022

 Luke 12 So much teaching is packed into this chapter.. it is hard to know where to start..  let me try to summarize here:

V.1-3  Hypocrisy- is like leaven.. it permeates and effects everything and everyone it touches.  It is deceitfulness...  Jesus tells us that nothing stays hidden.. "whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, " Just walk in Truth. 

V 4-5  Don't fear men.. fear only God who alone "has authority to cast into hell".. Walk and live accordingly.

V6-7  You are valued by God! Believe it and act like it.. 

V8-12  Your future in eternity depends on what you confess about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Don't worry about what you say.. the Holy Spirit will help you.  Speak up!

V13-20  Don't be greedy.. it gets you nowhere.  Possessions on earth mean nothing. So stop worrying about them!

V21-34  The only treasure that you need to focus on is the one you lay up in heaven.
Don't worry about what you need for your body.. trust God's provision. 
Don't worry.. but seek Him.. treasure Him..

V32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom."

V35-48  Be ready. Be faithful. Be sensible. Be focused on doing the Master's will. 

V49-53  Following Jesus will cause divisions between people.. don't be surprised by that.

V54-59 Judge what is right.. Be wise in how you act towards others. 

That really just touches the surface of these teachings.. but if we can grab on to just one or two of these truths this Christmas season what a difference it could make...   Personally, I want to focus on simply believing verse 32... My Father has "gladly" chosen to give me the Kingdom!  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, how glorious and wonderful You are!  You have chosen to give us a Savior, Christ the Lord.. who gave Himself up for us.. so that we might be saved.. from hypocrisy.. from greed.. from worry.. from evil men and from the evil one.. and from the wrath of God that we deserve.  Instead, by Your amazing grace.. You give us eternal life and a treasure stored up that will never perish!  We look toward that great day with anticipation and joy.. May we be ready.. prepared... and faithful as we do Your will until Christ comes.  Help us Holy Spirit we pray.  In Jesus' name amen..

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