Monday, December 19, 2022

 Luke 13  This Christmas season.. and especially this week as the day draws near.. we want to focus on Jesus.. His message.. His mission.. His purpose..  which are all in focus in this chapter of Luke. 

The message..  verses 1-9..  When asked about the tragic deaths of some Galileans.. Jesus preached the message of repentance..  "..unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.."   We are all "culprits".. all of us must repent or perish.  In the parable of the fig tree, Jesus makes the point that true repentance will result in fruit.. Like the unfruitful fig tree.. which will be cut down.. people without Christ will perish.  True Christians will bear fruit.. there will be changed lives that show evidence of the work of God in those who have repented and followed Jesus. 

The mission... verses 10-17 tell  of the healing of the bent-over woman on the Sabbath. When Jesus saw her, he did not hesitate to heal her.  The religious leaders were "indignant".  Jesus chastised them for caring more about their donkeys than about a daughter of Abraham!  He came to deliver us from bondage .. to seek and to save the lost...  Hallelujah!

The purpose..  Jesus came to bring us the Kingdom of God.. He compares it to a tiny mustard seed.. that becomes a great tree;  or a small bit of leaven that permeates the dough. It starts in humility and simplicity.. but it is a great and mighty Kingdom!   The question was asked, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?"   Jesus tells the people to '"Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able." 

Some will come too late. 
Some will claim a relationship that was not ever true. 
Some will come, expecting that their DNA is enough to enter..
Some will come from the outside.. from far away.. and be accepted with gladness. 

The difference?  Repentance that bears fruit.  True compassion for those in need. True faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. 

Jesus was headed to Jerusalem. He was ready to do what had to be done there. His heart broke for Jerusalem.. but He knew that they would reject their King and that He would be crucified.  Still, He would go to the cross, bear the shame.. for the glory that was set before Him. 

He came for us.  He died for us. He desires to give us the Kingdom that He came to reveal.. so that we can one day sit at His table.  This is the meaning of Christmas.  

Father, we thank You for the gift of Salvation that came that day when Christ the Lord was born.. God with us, Immanuel!  Open our eyes to the deeper truths of Christmas.  Fill our hearts with the joy of a salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord! Thank you. Amen!

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