Saturday, December 24, 2022

 Luke 16:1-18  The steward had been accused of "squandering" the master's possessions.  He had to give an accounting of all that he had been responsible for and then he would be dismissed.  He called in those who were in debt to the master and worked out a reduced payment for each one. The plan was to get some of the debt repaid and to have favor with those he helped.  This was considered "shrewd" - which is really defined as thoughtful, practical, and even intelligent.   What was the point of this parable?  Jesus used it to talk about being faithful.. especially in the area of money... 

Faithfulness.. in the little things ... counts in the Lord's eyes.  Faithfulness.. in what belongs to others is as important as faithfulness in what comes to you.  Faithfulness in serving God must override and abolish  serving money or worldly things. 

The Pharisees scoffed at what Jesus had to say.  Money meant everything to them.  It was a sign of their importance.. even of their religious status.  But, Jesus taught that true worth in God's eyes is found in the state of a man's heart and not his wallet.  Keeping the Law was required.. but it was the whole Law.. not  just what they wanted to pick and choose from. For example.. their attitude about divorce... 

Verses 19-31 Jesus continues to address the issue of wealth.. the wrong thinking that wealth = eternal bliss.  The story of the rich man and Lazarus illustrates how far off their thinking was.. The rich man lived well, "gaily living in splendor every day".  Lazarus lived in poverty and disease. He would have been happy with crumbs, but the rich man cared more about his dogs than the poor man at his gate.  But, after they both had died, the reality of what happens next should have shaken them all!  For the rich man was in Hades.. in agony.. hopeless... tormented.. with much regret and fear for his brothers left behind.  Lazarus, on the other hand, was comforted in the "bosom" of Abraham.  No longer suffering, no longer poor, no longer alone. 

So, this Christmas season.. as we keep our thoughts turned toward Jesus.. what is it that He wants us to learn from these stories?  

May we be faithful in all things.. little things and big things.. serving God shrewdly.. with thoughtfulness and intelligence.  May we examine our hearts.. discarding worldly thinking about money and assets and the things of this world.  May we live with eternity in view... caring for others more than ourselves... bringing hope and compassion to those suffering whenever we can. 

Father in heaven, I am reminded once again that You are the giver of all things.. and You intend for us to be faithful stewards. Examine our hearts and change any wrong attitudes Lord.  We surrender all to You.. for You are our Master and we Your humble servants.  May Your Name be glorified in Your servants today we pray. Amen. 

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