Monday, December 26, 2022

 Luke 17  My Bible labels the  first 10 verses of this chapter... "Instructions"..  the first one being, don't be a stumbling block.. a trap, a snare, or someone causing another to fall away.  The second is to "Be on your guard"... to rebuke a brother who sins.. to forgive a brother who repents... even if it happens over and over and over again.  

The disciples ask for more faith.. a pretty good thing to ask for.. we might think.  But Jesus has instructions about that too.   Just  "faith like a mustard seed" is sufficient.  It is not about the size of our faith.. for even a small amount of faith can move trees.. and mountains.  By the illustration that Jesus uses.. it seems that what He really wanted us to know is how to be obedient. A slave does what he is told to do... plus whatever else he is responsible to do.  That is how a disciple of Jesus should live.. doing what God wills for us to do.. humbly and eagerly. 

Jesus, on His way to Jerusalem is met by 10 lepers who call out asking for mercy.  He sends them off to show themselves to the priests and as they go they are healed.  Only one turns back to praise God and give thanks.  Only to this one, a Samaritan, does Jesus say, ".. your faith has made you well." 

The Pharisees ask Jesus about the coming of His kingdom.  Jesus tells them plainly that they are not going to see the kingdom with "signs".. it will not be what they think it should be.  ".. behold the kingdom of God is in your midst", Jesus tells them.  The King stood before them and they didn't even see Him clearly. 

Jesus explains to His disciples that the kingdom is not what they are expecting either.  They would long to see Him take His earthly throne.. but He would take only a cross at this time.  But, a day will come when He will come again to establish His Kingdom and that day would involve a great judgement.  Like in the days of Noah.. only a few would be saved and the rest destroyed.. Like the day of Sodom's judgement... people will be drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building... when He comes.  Only those ready will be saved.. all others.. and all who turn back.. will be destroyed.  

Count the cost.. be ready to lose everything.. even your life for Him.. for it is only in the losing that we preserve our lives. This is the obedient service that Jesus calls us to...  

So, this Christmas season.. on the day after Christmas.. when we are ready to put things away, take down the decorations, get back to normal life.. what is it that Jesus is saying to us?  The one word that I take away from this chapter is simply, "obey".   

Father in heaven,  I am a servant of the Most High God.. Your servant.. and Your child by the grace of Jesus Christ my King.  Help me, by the power of Your Spirit who lives in me.. to walk humbly, faithfully, fruitfully, mercifully, and thankfully... in obedience to Your Word.  Empower us, Your church, the body of Christ, to be alert.. to be ready.. to be worthy slaves.  We can do nothing on our own.. but we cling to Jesus.. the True Vine, whose Life flows into us, the branches.  May good fruit abound as others see You in us.  We ask this, in faith, in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen. 

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