Wednesday, December 28, 2022

 Luke 19   As Jesus entered Jericho.. Zaccheus climbed the tree.  I am struck by the words that Jesus speaks to him. "Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house." (emphasis mine).  Not.. I want to stay.. not.. can I stay.. but I must stay..  Jesus only did what the Father told, we can conclude that the Father led Jesus to Zaccheus.  He knew him by name.. the chief of the tax-gatherers.. this sinner... this "son of Abraham".  This man who immediately received Jesus and repented of any fraudulent behavior... who vowed to give away half of his fortune.  This lost man was one that Jesus had come to "seek and to save".   Just like He does for each of us.. 

Jesus told another parable about money..  The story is about a nobleman who goes away to get another kingdom. He leaves ten slaves ten minas each to carry on with the business while he is away.  Some people didn't want him to be their ruler and sent a message along to him.  When he returned he called his slaves first.. so they could give account of their work:
  Some did well and gained more authority because of their good and faithful service.   
  Some failed miserably and lost the little they had. 
  Those who had grumbled against him...lost their lives.  
Three categories.. three responses.  We are all in one of those groups.. all we have comes from God.. what we do with it matters.  Either we take what He has placed in our hands and use it for His work... or we just hold on tight and don't take responsibility to serve Him with what He has placed in our hands...or we reject Him altogether and choose destruction.  

May we learn to choose life.. to choose surrender and service.. to trust that it will be worth it all on the day that He returns.

The final section of this chapter takes us to the triumphal entry.. Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the city He loved..on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecies.. the King came.. knowing He was not wanted and would be killed on a cross for the very people who would execute Him.  The first thing that Jesus does in Jerusalem is cleanse the temple.. driving out the merchants and money-changers.. declaring the true purpose of the temple of God.. "a house of prayer".  

All of this would be gone in a just a short time.. and the people would be scattered once again.  No wonder Jesus wept over this great city that would not know the peace He came to give. 

The Christmas season has come and gone. A new year lies ahead.  As we keep our eyes on Jesus, may we allow the Word to abide in us.. to transform us by renewing our minds and to lead us deeper into His love and steadfastness.  May we remember that He knows us by name and that He came to seek and save us when we were lost.  May we take responsibility to use all that He gives us for His glory and honor. May we receive Him gladly and joyfully praise Him every chance we get.

Father in heaven, You are good and ready to forgive. Thank You.  You are abundant in lovingkindness to all who call on You. Praise Your Name.  You are great and You do wonderful deeds of mercy and grace. How we love You! You have given us all that we have and all that we are is because of You.. may we never forget that.  Guide us into Your plans and purposes that You have for us today. Help us to be the good and faithful servants that we long to be!   And, Lord, if You see anyone up a tree.. will You call them down?  I know a few...  Thank You !  Amen. 

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