Monday, December 12, 2022

The Sower

 Luke 8   As the multitude grew and people began to come from far and wide to hear Jesus and to seek His help.. Jesus began speaking in parables.  There are mysteries.. He told His disciples.. "mysteries of the kingdom of God".. that some have been granted to know.. but to others.. according to scripture would not be able to see or hear.. or understand.  That, in itself, is a great mystery. 

The parable of the sower and the seed is significant.  As Jesus said.. "take care how you listen".. we need to have ears to hear.. and heed what we hear.  The seed.. the Word of God.. is freely sown.. but how it is received makes all the difference! 

Some hear.. but it is snatched away.. trampled under foot..lost before it can make a difference. 
Some hear.. grab on to it.. but fall away quickly with no roots to keep it alive.
Some hear.. believe.. but allow the things of this world to choke out any real faith. 
And finally.. some hear and believe with  an "honest and good heart and hold it fast".  These grow up to bear fruit "with perseverance".  These ones.. who hear and do the Word of God.. are the same as the mother and brothers of Jesus Himself. 

Luke records next four miraculous works that again authenticate the message and authority of Jesus Christ:

He commanded the wind and waves.. and they obeyed.
He delivered Legion from the many demons that had entered him.. sending them into the herd of swine.
He healed the woman who had reached out and touched His garment.. sending her away in wholeness of body and soul. 
He raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead.

This Christmas season we are turning our eyes fully to the Wonderful Counselor.. the Prince of Peace.. who came to bring good news.. and great joy.. Christ the Lord.. God with us..our Hope.. our Salvation.. our King of kings and Lord of lords..  Who came to give us the Word.. may we receive it with an honest and good heart and bear fruit with perseverance!

Father  in heaven, we are so thankful for the Gift of Jesus Christ.. our Lord and King.  Help us to keep listening.. to keep believing.. to keep abiding in Him!  May we experience the exceeding.. "inexpressible" joy found in Jesus this day. We love You and surrender our whole selves to You...following the example of our Savior.. who "emptied Himself."...came in the form of a servant.. and humbled Himself .. "becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross".  Your will be done in us today, we ask.. in His great Name. Amen. 

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