Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Authority

 Luke 5  In this chapter Luke gives us examples of the way that Jesus revealed His authority as the Anointed One.. the Son of David.. the Christ who came to be the Light of the world.

Verses 1-11   Jesus was teaching by the lake of Gennesaret and the crowd was pressing in.. so He got on Simon's boat and asked him to pull out just enough so He could teach from there.  Afterwards, He told Simon to go into the deeper water and put down his nets.. which were then filled so completely with fish that both that boat and James and John's boat were beginning to sink.  Jesus revealed His power over nature .  This also marked His calling upon these men to become fishers of men...

Verses 12-14  A man "full of leprosy" came to Jesus and "fell on his face and implored Him, saying 'Lord if You are willing, You can make me clean.' "   Here, Jesus revealed His willingness and His power to cleanse completely.

Verses 15-26  As Jesus was teaching and healing.. a group of men brought their paralyzed friend to Him.  Unable to get into the house, they went up on the roof and made an entrance so that they could let down the man on his stretcher "right in the center, in front of Jesus."  To the astonishment of the Pharisees and teachers of the law.. and to everyone else.. Jesus said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you."  The scribes and Pharisees took issue with this, but Jesus told them, "Which is easier to say, 'Your sins have been forgiven you,' or to say 'Rise and walk'? But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,' - He said to the paralytic- ' I say to you, rise, and take up your stretcher and go home.'"    Jesus revealed His authority to forgive sins.. 

Verses 27-32  Jesus saw Levi ( Matthew)  a tax-gatherer and called him to follow Him.  Immediately, Levi left everything behind and became a disciple of Jesus.  He gave a reception at his home and invited "a great crowd of tax-gatherers".. which caused the Pharisees and scribes to grumble again.  But, Jesus revealed His purpose.. "It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick.  I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." 

Verses 33-39  In these last verses of this chapter, Jesus reveals that He is doing a new work... The disciples weren't fasting because He was like a bridegroom and was with them. When He went away, then they would fast.  He wasn't just trying to fix the old religious system.. He was completely changing everything.. new wine.. into new wineskins.  New life.. into new creations.. This is the mission of Jesus... HE came to make all things new!

This Christmas season.. as we come to celebrate the birth of our Savior.. let us remember and meditate upon these revelations.. 

Jesus came with power and authority..over nature.. over sin.. over disease.. over old systems that were not complete.  He came for a purpose.. to call us to repent... and to make us new creatures in Him. Let us share the good news.. He Is Willing! He Is Able!  He Is Lord of All!

Father in heaven, thank You for the love that You have lavished on us.. sending us Your Beloved Son to be our Savior and King forever! Blessed is the Name of the Lord and greatly to be praised! Let Your Kingdom come in power and grace.. that the whole world will know that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen!

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