Friday, December 30, 2022

 Luke 21  Verses 1-4  The poor widow gave all she had into the temple treasury.  She was trusting God to provide all that she needed.  Others gave greater amounts.. but out of their surplus, not out of what they needed to live on.  Another reminder that God notices the small things... those extraordinary acts of true faith that don't seem like much to the world.. but are greatly treasured by our Lord. 

Jesus is nearing the time of the passover.. the cross.. and the resurrection.  He is preparing His disciples for this end.. to the finishing of His work which He came to accomplish.  With the end of this life in sight, Jesus teaches about the end of the age.. outlining a sequence of events that we need to pay attention to and be ready for.. 

There came a day when the beautiful temple in Jerusalem was torn down, just as Jesus said. His disciples were delivered up.. persecuted.. and killed for His name's sake. He told them not to be terrified.. not to prepare a speech to defend themselves.. but to just endure, knowing that whatever happened to them was an opportunity for them to testify of their relationship with  Him. 

Starting at verse 20 Jesus warns of the "desolation"  of Jerusalem.  Armies would surround her. There would be great "distress upon the land and wrath to this people".  Jerusalem would be trampled.. until "the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." 

Then the sun and moon and stars will attest of the coming Christ. The nations will tremble.. The oceans will roar. The "powers of the heavens will be shaken".  Then Jesus will come "in a cloud with power and great glory".  Lift up your heads and look, Jesus tells us, "because your redemption is drawing near." 

"Be on guard.. " v34

".. keep on the alert".. v36 

and keep "praying" for the strength "to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." v36

Those listening to Jesus that day did not live to see the time of His return.. but we may. It will be terrifying, but He tells us to not be afraid.  We may want to hide away.. but He tells us to look up.  We may be tempted to look for another way.. but only Jesus is the Way.  

Father in heaven, we pray for Your Kingdom to come.. for the return of the Son.. and yet we know that many are still not ready.. for that will be a day of judgement for all who refuse to believe Him.  We pray continually for the lost to come to Jesus.. to see the glory and wisdom and grace of the salvation that He came to bring to us.  May we be faithful in all that we do.. and give all that we can.  May we be alert and on guard.. faithful in walking in truth and righteousness by the power of Your Spirit.  May we be faithful in telling others the truth about sin, judgement, and hell.. and the only way of salvation, through Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, whose blood was shed so that we might be redeemed.  Keep us walking in Your Light and Truth day by day and help us not to grow weary or afraid.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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