Thursday, December 22, 2022

 Luke 15  The lost sheep.. the lost coin.. the lost son..  As the "tax-gatherers and sinners" flocked to Jesus to "listen".. the Pharisees and scribes came to grumble and complain.  Jesus gave them three illustrations to help them see God's heart... 

They could relate to the lost sheep. They probably had experienced that themselves or knew someone who did.  Every sheep was of great value.  A good shepherd cared for his sheep and would go and find the one that was lost. They would rejoice at finding it.  Likewise, Jesus said, "there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." 

They might relate to the lost coin too... and the joy of finding it.  They couldn't seem to relate to the joy in heaven when a lost sinner repents.. 

The parable of the lost son should have really hit home. A son who leaves.. who squanders all he had been given.. who returns home.. broken.. and unworthy.. yet is received by his father with joy and honor and thanksgiving!  But, like the elder son.. the Pharisees resented the celebration of the lost who were now found! The tax-gatherers and the sinners had no right to be received into God's kingdom, they thought. But, they were so very wrong!  Those were and are.. the ones that Jesus came to save.  And more importantly.. they were in the same category.. lost and in need of being found. They just didn't realize it or couldn't admit it.

This Christmas we focus on Jesus Christ.. the Savior who was born in Bethlehem so many years ago.. may we have eyes to see and ears to hear the message that Jesus came to proclaim... 

The Father is ready to welcome us home with joy and delight!

We are all in need of repentance.. so that we can no longer be "lost" but be found!

This message is for "all people" as the angels proclaimed to the shepherds that night: ".. behold I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." 

Good news for all the lost sons and daughters.. it is not too late for you. Come home!  Come to adore and worship the One who will welcome you home forever! 

Father, may we all draw near to Jesus.. to listen and to know the salvation that He came to purchase for us with His own life. We pray once again for the lost sons and daughters.. the lost grandchildren.. for all that are still without hope and truth in Christ Jesus. Let the Word.. the Good News.. travel across our land today.. through your servants.. through the airways.. out into the highways and hedges.. bring them in to the Kingdom, Lord God!  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen! 

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