Wednesday, December 14, 2022

 Luke 10  Jesus sent out 70 of His followers to proclaim the Kingdom and to heal the sick.  They went out as "lambs in the midst of wolves".  And, they came back rejoicing in what God had done! It is interesting that these 70 anonymous believers were given such an important role and never identified... yet, isn't that the way our Lord works?  There are many servants of the Lord.. sent far and wide across this world.. proclaiming the Kingdom of God.. who we will never know by name in this lifetime. Praise the Lord for these faithful servants!   Let us "Beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest".. so that even more will go and tell the good news of Jesus Christ. 

A "certain lawyer"  asked this question, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"   It is a good question.. and he already knew the right answer, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."  It is the same answer that Jesus, Himself would give.  But, the man was not satisfied and asked one more question, "And who is my neighbor?"

Jesus tells the familiar parable of the good Samaritan... 

A "certain man" is robbed and beaten. 
A "certain priest" crossed to the other side of the road.
A "certain Levite" also passed by.. 
But, a "certain Samaritan" stopped.  He felt compassion for the poor man. He showed him mercy by treating his wounds, taking him to safety, and providing for his care. 
This, Jesus says, is what it means to be a neighbor... "Go and do the same." 
The focus is changed from who is my neighbor.. to who can I be a neighbor to... 

Jesus went to Mary and Martha's house.  We know the story.. Martha is too busy to stop and listen.  Mary can't tear herself away from sitting at Jesus' feet.  She chose the "good part", Jesus says. 

Three very different events are included in this chapter.. each giving us a glimpse of Christ.  
Christ who sends our workers into the harvest with good news!
Christ who shows us how to love as a neighbor should.
Christ who doesn't want us to be bothered and worried about "so many things" that we forget to do the "good part".. 

This Christmas season let us take time to pray for, encourage, and give.. so the good news can keep on being told.  Let us be a true loving neighbor to others in need of some mercy and compassion.  And, let us stop being worried and bothered by "so many things".. and choose the "good part".. sitting at the feet of Jesus! 

Father, You know I need to hear this. Help me to go and do it!  I beseech You to send out workers into Your harvest. I pray for those in need and ask that You lead me to help those that I can.  I pray that worry and stress over holiday "stuff" will not take over me but that I will just simply stop and listen to Your voice.  Accomplish all that You desire in me today.. for You are my strength.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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