Thursday, December 15, 2022

 Luke 11  Jesus taught his disciples  to pray:

"Father, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation." Ask. Seek. Knock.  Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking.  God gives what is good.. what is best!

Jesus taught the Pharisees about kingdoms:

A divided kingdom will fall.  You can't cast out demons by Satan.  Only One greater can overcome one so powerful.. Only God is great enough !

Jesus taught that the only ones "blessed" are those who "hear the Word of God and observe it."  

Jesus is the Light of the world.. Greater than Solomon in all his wisdom. (v31)  Greater than Jonah who brought the word to Ninevah that changed the whole town. 

Jesus gave the religious leaders every opportunity to believe and be saved.. but they refused.  Here, He exposes their sinful hearts full of darkness.. 

They worry about their outward religious rules.. but "are full of robbery and wickedness". 
They tithe the smallest herbs.. but neglect to love other people or to be just.
They love attention more than truth.
They cause hardships for people.. and could care less about helping anyone in need. 
They refuse to look at the truth of God's Word.. and keep others from doing it too. 

This Christmas season.... may our eyes be clear and our lives filled with His holy Light! May we receive the Word of Christ and do it.. 

Father God,  hallowed be Your name.  Let Your kingdom come.. and all darkness be overcome.  Give to us what we need today and every day.. the great gift of Your Holy Spirit.  May we walk in Truth and do Your will. Forgive us for neglecting to love.. for refusing the Truth.. for causing others to stumble.. for focusing on outward actions instead of heart attitudes... We fully surrender to Your will and receive the grace and truth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

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