Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Luke 14  Jesus went to dinner at the Pharisee's house.  It is kind of surprising how many times He was invited to join those who really didn't like Him.. and He always went willingly, even knowing their motives were not good.  It was the Sabbath.. a man with dropsy was there.. a relative?  A test?   Jesus again asks them "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"  That was a question they would not answer... they could help their son.. or their ox... but heal a man in need?  They would not accept that. 

Do we make these kinds of judgements.. do we have expectations of how Sunday services should be? Are we silently angry when things are not done the way we want?  Hmm...

Jesus tells several parables to His fellow diners... 

To those choosing the places of honor.. He tells them to choose a lesser place.. be humble. Far better to be asked to move higher than to be asked to move lower! "For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted." 

To those hosting the dinner..  He says, don't just invite the friends and relatives that can repay you in kind.. invite the "poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind..", the ones who can't repay you.. then you will be truly blessed.. "you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." 

Jesus tells of a great dinner.. with many invited.. but when it was time, they all seemed to have some excuse for not coming.  So, the man sends out his slaves to invite everyone else that they can find.. "the poor and crippled and blind and lame.."  Also those along the "highways and hedges.."  The last were made first and the first.. well they were no longer welcome. 

Humility.  Generosity. Grace.  Characteristics that Jesus encouraged in His listeners. " He who has ears to hear, let him hear."  Followers of Jesus are called to "calculate the cost".. to carry their own cross.. to "give up all his own possessions".. to choose Him over every other relationship.. and over  his own life. Surrender of self.  Surrender of " self-pleasing, self-sufficiency, and self-exaltation" ( Andrew Murray)  "Herein lies the secret of true discipleship: to bear the cross, to acknowledge the death sentence that has been passed on self, and to deny any right that self has to rule over us." 

Jesus, the Son of God, who came as a newborn baby.. came humbly.. taking the lowest place.. but now is highly exalted!

Jesus, the King of kings.. didn't invite those who could repay Him.. for none of us could.. but He invites all who can't.." the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind".. to come eat at His table!

Jesus, the Chosen One of Israel,  invited His people to come.. but they found many excuses and refused to follow Him. So, He invited everyone else.. you and me.. the lowly, the lost, the humble.. to come into His Kingdom to be where He is forever!

Jesus calls us to count the cost.. to consider the stakes.. to give up everything else in order to follow Him.  He gave Himself for us.. so that we can be with Him forever.  Is it worth it?  Oh yes!  Let us have ears to hear Him... 

Father, we give You all praise and honor and thanksgiving!  You have given to us this great salvation through Jesus Christ the Beloved Son.  This Christmas season, may we draw even nearer and nearer to Your heart of love. May we be humble and generous to those in need, and may we surrender all that we are, all that we have, and all those that we love.. into Your hands.. and follow Jesus all the days of our lives. Amen. 

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