Friday, December 30, 2022

 Luke 21  Verses 1-4  The poor widow gave all she had into the temple treasury.  She was trusting God to provide all that she needed.  Others gave greater amounts.. but out of their surplus, not out of what they needed to live on.  Another reminder that God notices the small things... those extraordinary acts of true faith that don't seem like much to the world.. but are greatly treasured by our Lord. 

Jesus is nearing the time of the passover.. the cross.. and the resurrection.  He is preparing His disciples for this end.. to the finishing of His work which He came to accomplish.  With the end of this life in sight, Jesus teaches about the end of the age.. outlining a sequence of events that we need to pay attention to and be ready for.. 

There came a day when the beautiful temple in Jerusalem was torn down, just as Jesus said. His disciples were delivered up.. persecuted.. and killed for His name's sake. He told them not to be terrified.. not to prepare a speech to defend themselves.. but to just endure, knowing that whatever happened to them was an opportunity for them to testify of their relationship with  Him. 

Starting at verse 20 Jesus warns of the "desolation"  of Jerusalem.  Armies would surround her. There would be great "distress upon the land and wrath to this people".  Jerusalem would be trampled.. until "the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled." 

Then the sun and moon and stars will attest of the coming Christ. The nations will tremble.. The oceans will roar. The "powers of the heavens will be shaken".  Then Jesus will come "in a cloud with power and great glory".  Lift up your heads and look, Jesus tells us, "because your redemption is drawing near." 

"Be on guard.. " v34

".. keep on the alert".. v36 

and keep "praying" for the strength "to escape all these things that are about to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man." v36

Those listening to Jesus that day did not live to see the time of His return.. but we may. It will be terrifying, but He tells us to not be afraid.  We may want to hide away.. but He tells us to look up.  We may be tempted to look for another way.. but only Jesus is the Way.  

Father in heaven, we pray for Your Kingdom to come.. for the return of the Son.. and yet we know that many are still not ready.. for that will be a day of judgement for all who refuse to believe Him.  We pray continually for the lost to come to Jesus.. to see the glory and wisdom and grace of the salvation that He came to bring to us.  May we be faithful in all that we do.. and give all that we can.  May we be alert and on guard.. faithful in walking in truth and righteousness by the power of Your Spirit.  May we be faithful in telling others the truth about sin, judgement, and hell.. and the only way of salvation, through Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, whose blood was shed so that we might be redeemed.  Keep us walking in Your Light and Truth day by day and help us not to grow weary or afraid.  In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Thursday, December 29, 2022

 Luke 20 Jesus continued to teach at the temple, even as the days before His crucifixion drew closer. The chief priests, scribes, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.. tried to trap Him into saying anything that would condemn Him.. they wanted nothing more than to get rid of Him before any more people turned away to follow Him... leaving them without supporters. 

They questioned His authority. But, they could not admit their true opinions about John the Baptist.. so they received no answer from Jesus. 

They questioned Him about paying taxes.. what better way to trap someone into saying something that would get the attention of the government!  But, that did not work either. 

They questioned Him about the resurrection.. and Jesus proved that their beliefs were faulty. 

Jesus  compared these religious leaders to the wicked vine-growers who tried to keep the vineyard for themselves... denying the Master and killing the Son.  They rejected "the stone" who was the "Chief cornerstone".. and would soon be scattered "like dust".  "Beware of the scribes.. "  Jesus warned His disciples.. they looked so pious and righteous on the outside, but were full of sin and iniquity inside.

What does this all say to us?  As we look at Jesus.. the babe in the manger.. the King on the cross.. we can be assured that "all authority" has been given to Him and we do not need to question that truth. We can rest in it. Trust Him completely.   We do not need to fear asking Him questions. He will answer us when we come sincerely to Him.  

We also can "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's."  We are called to be righteous and just in all we do.. faithful citizens who do what is right.. in this world and in the next.  Again, we can trust Jesus to lead us in all truth.. for He is the way, the Truth, and the Life.  

We can rest assured that there is a resurrection ... that God is God whether we are in these bodies are not.. we are alive to Him. We can be certain that Jesus Christ will reign forever and that His enemies will be made a "footstool" for His feet. 

May we, more and more, be built up in our faith in Jesus Christ.  Paul prayed for the churches... "that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." ( Col. 2:2-3)  May this be our prayer for our church.. every day. 

"Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant to us to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus that with one accord we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."  Romans 15:5-6


Wednesday, December 28, 2022

 Luke 19   As Jesus entered Jericho.. Zaccheus climbed the tree.  I am struck by the words that Jesus speaks to him. "Zaccheus, hurry and come down, for today I must stay at your house." (emphasis mine).  Not.. I want to stay.. not.. can I stay.. but I must stay..  Jesus only did what the Father told, we can conclude that the Father led Jesus to Zaccheus.  He knew him by name.. the chief of the tax-gatherers.. this sinner... this "son of Abraham".  This man who immediately received Jesus and repented of any fraudulent behavior... who vowed to give away half of his fortune.  This lost man was one that Jesus had come to "seek and to save".   Just like He does for each of us.. 

Jesus told another parable about money..  The story is about a nobleman who goes away to get another kingdom. He leaves ten slaves ten minas each to carry on with the business while he is away.  Some people didn't want him to be their ruler and sent a message along to him.  When he returned he called his slaves first.. so they could give account of their work:
  Some did well and gained more authority because of their good and faithful service.   
  Some failed miserably and lost the little they had. 
  Those who had grumbled against him...lost their lives.  
Three categories.. three responses.  We are all in one of those groups.. all we have comes from God.. what we do with it matters.  Either we take what He has placed in our hands and use it for His work... or we just hold on tight and don't take responsibility to serve Him with what He has placed in our hands...or we reject Him altogether and choose destruction.  

May we learn to choose life.. to choose surrender and service.. to trust that it will be worth it all on the day that He returns.

The final section of this chapter takes us to the triumphal entry.. Jesus rode into Jerusalem, the city He loved..on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecies.. the King came.. knowing He was not wanted and would be killed on a cross for the very people who would execute Him.  The first thing that Jesus does in Jerusalem is cleanse the temple.. driving out the merchants and money-changers.. declaring the true purpose of the temple of God.. "a house of prayer".  

All of this would be gone in a just a short time.. and the people would be scattered once again.  No wonder Jesus wept over this great city that would not know the peace He came to give. 

The Christmas season has come and gone. A new year lies ahead.  As we keep our eyes on Jesus, may we allow the Word to abide in us.. to transform us by renewing our minds and to lead us deeper into His love and steadfastness.  May we remember that He knows us by name and that He came to seek and save us when we were lost.  May we take responsibility to use all that He gives us for His glory and honor. May we receive Him gladly and joyfully praise Him every chance we get.

Father in heaven, You are good and ready to forgive. Thank You.  You are abundant in lovingkindness to all who call on You. Praise Your Name.  You are great and You do wonderful deeds of mercy and grace. How we love You! You have given us all that we have and all that we are is because of You.. may we never forget that.  Guide us into Your plans and purposes that You have for us today. Help us to be the good and faithful servants that we long to be!   And, Lord, if You see anyone up a tree.. will You call them down?  I know a few...  Thank You !  Amen. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

 Luke 18  The days are getting short and Jesus is headed to Jerusalem.. quite aware of what lies ahead.  He takes this time to teach His followers more about prayer.. 

Using the illustration of a judge who finally provided the justice a widow needed after she came continually before him.. Jesus teaches us that God always hears us and "will not delay long.. "  We can bring Him our needs and trust Him to hear us.  "However, when the Son of Man comes will He find faith on the earth?" Jesus asks.   Indeed... are we asking... and trusting God?  Let us have a boldness to come before Him with every need and the faith to simply trust Him. 

Jesus used another illustration to point out the need of humility in praying.  The example is of a Pharisee who only prayed by bragging about himself and his "righteousness"... and the tax-gatherer who simply and humbly begged for mercy.. confessing his sinfulness and need.  Jesus again emphasized that the humble are heard and exalted while the prideful are not.  Let us come before the throne of grace with sincere and humble hearts. 

Jesus was approached by a "rich young ruler"  who asked  how to obtain eternal life.  Jesus told him to keep the commandments.. which the man said that he did.. "from my youth".  To get to the man's heart Jesus tells him to sell all he has, give it to the poor, and follow Him.  The young man sadly turns away.. his heart exposed... his wealth was his god... he could not give it up.  "How hard it is for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God.. "  Yet, it is not impossible! "The things impossible with men are possible with God."  Let us be thankful that God gives us all that we need to lay down our lives, take up our crosses, and follow Him.  Christ in us.. the hope of glory.. makes it possible to surrender all else and say with Him, "Thy will be done."  The prayer that never fails! 

The final event in this chapter is the story of the blind man outside of Jericho who cries out, " Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" (a simple and humble prayer)   He cried out even louder when others tried to stop him.. and Jesus heard and called him to come.  "What do you want Me to do for you?" Jesus asked.  That seems like an obvious answer.. but the blind man responds, " Lord, I want to regain my sight."  Jesus said that the man's faith made him well.. faith to call out.. faith to confess the title "Lord"and "the Son of David". Faith to believe and receive the healing he needed.  Faith that gave the glory to God as he followed Jesus.  Let us be like this man who did not give up.. who trusted God.. who humbly came before Jesus, confessing Him as Lord and King. 

Father in heaven, we celebrate and praise the Lord Jesus, our King, who teaches us how to pray.  Thank You for this reminder that You always hear our humble cries.. You are always ready to show us justice and mercy.  You give to us all that we need.. so that we can come before You, sincerely and humbly seeking Your will.  Make our hearts pure so that we are able to say, "Your will be done" in every circumstance.  Take my life and let it be.. wholly Yours, Lord Jesus.  Amen. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

 Luke 17  My Bible labels the  first 10 verses of this chapter... "Instructions"..  the first one being, don't be a stumbling block.. a trap, a snare, or someone causing another to fall away.  The second is to "Be on your guard"... to rebuke a brother who sins.. to forgive a brother who repents... even if it happens over and over and over again.  

The disciples ask for more faith.. a pretty good thing to ask for.. we might think.  But Jesus has instructions about that too.   Just  "faith like a mustard seed" is sufficient.  It is not about the size of our faith.. for even a small amount of faith can move trees.. and mountains.  By the illustration that Jesus uses.. it seems that what He really wanted us to know is how to be obedient. A slave does what he is told to do... plus whatever else he is responsible to do.  That is how a disciple of Jesus should live.. doing what God wills for us to do.. humbly and eagerly. 

Jesus, on His way to Jerusalem is met by 10 lepers who call out asking for mercy.  He sends them off to show themselves to the priests and as they go they are healed.  Only one turns back to praise God and give thanks.  Only to this one, a Samaritan, does Jesus say, ".. your faith has made you well." 

The Pharisees ask Jesus about the coming of His kingdom.  Jesus tells them plainly that they are not going to see the kingdom with "signs".. it will not be what they think it should be.  ".. behold the kingdom of God is in your midst", Jesus tells them.  The King stood before them and they didn't even see Him clearly. 

Jesus explains to His disciples that the kingdom is not what they are expecting either.  They would long to see Him take His earthly throne.. but He would take only a cross at this time.  But, a day will come when He will come again to establish His Kingdom and that day would involve a great judgement.  Like in the days of Noah.. only a few would be saved and the rest destroyed.. Like the day of Sodom's judgement... people will be drinking, buying, selling, planting, and building... when He comes.  Only those ready will be saved.. all others.. and all who turn back.. will be destroyed.  

Count the cost.. be ready to lose everything.. even your life for Him.. for it is only in the losing that we preserve our lives. This is the obedient service that Jesus calls us to...  

So, this Christmas season.. on the day after Christmas.. when we are ready to put things away, take down the decorations, get back to normal life.. what is it that Jesus is saying to us?  The one word that I take away from this chapter is simply, "obey".   

Father in heaven,  I am a servant of the Most High God.. Your servant.. and Your child by the grace of Jesus Christ my King.  Help me, by the power of Your Spirit who lives in me.. to walk humbly, faithfully, fruitfully, mercifully, and thankfully... in obedience to Your Word.  Empower us, Your church, the body of Christ, to be alert.. to be ready.. to be worthy slaves.  We can do nothing on our own.. but we cling to Jesus.. the True Vine, whose Life flows into us, the branches.  May good fruit abound as others see You in us.  We ask this, in faith, in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen. 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

 Luke 16:1-18  The steward had been accused of "squandering" the master's possessions.  He had to give an accounting of all that he had been responsible for and then he would be dismissed.  He called in those who were in debt to the master and worked out a reduced payment for each one. The plan was to get some of the debt repaid and to have favor with those he helped.  This was considered "shrewd" - which is really defined as thoughtful, practical, and even intelligent.   What was the point of this parable?  Jesus used it to talk about being faithful.. especially in the area of money... 

Faithfulness.. in the little things ... counts in the Lord's eyes.  Faithfulness.. in what belongs to others is as important as faithfulness in what comes to you.  Faithfulness in serving God must override and abolish  serving money or worldly things. 

The Pharisees scoffed at what Jesus had to say.  Money meant everything to them.  It was a sign of their importance.. even of their religious status.  But, Jesus taught that true worth in God's eyes is found in the state of a man's heart and not his wallet.  Keeping the Law was required.. but it was the whole Law.. not  just what they wanted to pick and choose from. For example.. their attitude about divorce... 

Verses 19-31 Jesus continues to address the issue of wealth.. the wrong thinking that wealth = eternal bliss.  The story of the rich man and Lazarus illustrates how far off their thinking was.. The rich man lived well, "gaily living in splendor every day".  Lazarus lived in poverty and disease. He would have been happy with crumbs, but the rich man cared more about his dogs than the poor man at his gate.  But, after they both had died, the reality of what happens next should have shaken them all!  For the rich man was in Hades.. in agony.. hopeless... tormented.. with much regret and fear for his brothers left behind.  Lazarus, on the other hand, was comforted in the "bosom" of Abraham.  No longer suffering, no longer poor, no longer alone. 

So, this Christmas season.. as we keep our thoughts turned toward Jesus.. what is it that He wants us to learn from these stories?  

May we be faithful in all things.. little things and big things.. serving God shrewdly.. with thoughtfulness and intelligence.  May we examine our hearts.. discarding worldly thinking about money and assets and the things of this world.  May we live with eternity in view... caring for others more than ourselves... bringing hope and compassion to those suffering whenever we can. 

Father in heaven, I am reminded once again that You are the giver of all things.. and You intend for us to be faithful stewards. Examine our hearts and change any wrong attitudes Lord.  We surrender all to You.. for You are our Master and we Your humble servants.  May Your Name be glorified in Your servants today we pray. Amen. 

Thursday, December 22, 2022

 Luke 15  The lost sheep.. the lost coin.. the lost son..  As the "tax-gatherers and sinners" flocked to Jesus to "listen".. the Pharisees and scribes came to grumble and complain.  Jesus gave them three illustrations to help them see God's heart... 

They could relate to the lost sheep. They probably had experienced that themselves or knew someone who did.  Every sheep was of great value.  A good shepherd cared for his sheep and would go and find the one that was lost. They would rejoice at finding it.  Likewise, Jesus said, "there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance." 

They might relate to the lost coin too... and the joy of finding it.  They couldn't seem to relate to the joy in heaven when a lost sinner repents.. 

The parable of the lost son should have really hit home. A son who leaves.. who squanders all he had been given.. who returns home.. broken.. and unworthy.. yet is received by his father with joy and honor and thanksgiving!  But, like the elder son.. the Pharisees resented the celebration of the lost who were now found! The tax-gatherers and the sinners had no right to be received into God's kingdom, they thought. But, they were so very wrong!  Those were and are.. the ones that Jesus came to save.  And more importantly.. they were in the same category.. lost and in need of being found. They just didn't realize it or couldn't admit it.

This Christmas we focus on Jesus Christ.. the Savior who was born in Bethlehem so many years ago.. may we have eyes to see and ears to hear the message that Jesus came to proclaim... 

The Father is ready to welcome us home with joy and delight!

We are all in need of repentance.. so that we can no longer be "lost" but be found!

This message is for "all people" as the angels proclaimed to the shepherds that night: ".. behold I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." 

Good news for all the lost sons and daughters.. it is not too late for you. Come home!  Come to adore and worship the One who will welcome you home forever! 

Father, may we all draw near to Jesus.. to listen and to know the salvation that He came to purchase for us with His own life. We pray once again for the lost sons and daughters.. the lost grandchildren.. for all that are still without hope and truth in Christ Jesus. Let the Word.. the Good News.. travel across our land today.. through your servants.. through the airways.. out into the highways and hedges.. bring them in to the Kingdom, Lord God!  We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Luke 14  Jesus went to dinner at the Pharisee's house.  It is kind of surprising how many times He was invited to join those who really didn't like Him.. and He always went willingly, even knowing their motives were not good.  It was the Sabbath.. a man with dropsy was there.. a relative?  A test?   Jesus again asks them "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"  That was a question they would not answer... they could help their son.. or their ox... but heal a man in need?  They would not accept that. 

Do we make these kinds of judgements.. do we have expectations of how Sunday services should be? Are we silently angry when things are not done the way we want?  Hmm...

Jesus tells several parables to His fellow diners... 

To those choosing the places of honor.. He tells them to choose a lesser place.. be humble. Far better to be asked to move higher than to be asked to move lower! "For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted." 

To those hosting the dinner..  He says, don't just invite the friends and relatives that can repay you in kind.. invite the "poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind..", the ones who can't repay you.. then you will be truly blessed.. "you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous." 

Jesus tells of a great dinner.. with many invited.. but when it was time, they all seemed to have some excuse for not coming.  So, the man sends out his slaves to invite everyone else that they can find.. "the poor and crippled and blind and lame.."  Also those along the "highways and hedges.."  The last were made first and the first.. well they were no longer welcome. 

Humility.  Generosity. Grace.  Characteristics that Jesus encouraged in His listeners. " He who has ears to hear, let him hear."  Followers of Jesus are called to "calculate the cost".. to carry their own cross.. to "give up all his own possessions".. to choose Him over every other relationship.. and over  his own life. Surrender of self.  Surrender of " self-pleasing, self-sufficiency, and self-exaltation" ( Andrew Murray)  "Herein lies the secret of true discipleship: to bear the cross, to acknowledge the death sentence that has been passed on self, and to deny any right that self has to rule over us." 

Jesus, the Son of God, who came as a newborn baby.. came humbly.. taking the lowest place.. but now is highly exalted!

Jesus, the King of kings.. didn't invite those who could repay Him.. for none of us could.. but He invites all who can't.." the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind".. to come eat at His table!

Jesus, the Chosen One of Israel,  invited His people to come.. but they found many excuses and refused to follow Him. So, He invited everyone else.. you and me.. the lowly, the lost, the humble.. to come into His Kingdom to be where He is forever!

Jesus calls us to count the cost.. to consider the stakes.. to give up everything else in order to follow Him.  He gave Himself for us.. so that we can be with Him forever.  Is it worth it?  Oh yes!  Let us have ears to hear Him... 

Father, we give You all praise and honor and thanksgiving!  You have given to us this great salvation through Jesus Christ the Beloved Son.  This Christmas season, may we draw even nearer and nearer to Your heart of love. May we be humble and generous to those in need, and may we surrender all that we are, all that we have, and all those that we love.. into Your hands.. and follow Jesus all the days of our lives. Amen. 

Monday, December 19, 2022

 Luke 13  This Christmas season.. and especially this week as the day draws near.. we want to focus on Jesus.. His message.. His mission.. His purpose..  which are all in focus in this chapter of Luke. 

The message..  verses 1-9..  When asked about the tragic deaths of some Galileans.. Jesus preached the message of repentance..  "..unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.."   We are all "culprits".. all of us must repent or perish.  In the parable of the fig tree, Jesus makes the point that true repentance will result in fruit.. Like the unfruitful fig tree.. which will be cut down.. people without Christ will perish.  True Christians will bear fruit.. there will be changed lives that show evidence of the work of God in those who have repented and followed Jesus. 

The mission... verses 10-17 tell  of the healing of the bent-over woman on the Sabbath. When Jesus saw her, he did not hesitate to heal her.  The religious leaders were "indignant".  Jesus chastised them for caring more about their donkeys than about a daughter of Abraham!  He came to deliver us from bondage .. to seek and to save the lost...  Hallelujah!

The purpose..  Jesus came to bring us the Kingdom of God.. He compares it to a tiny mustard seed.. that becomes a great tree;  or a small bit of leaven that permeates the dough. It starts in humility and simplicity.. but it is a great and mighty Kingdom!   The question was asked, "Lord, are there just a few who are being saved?"   Jesus tells the people to '"Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many I tell you will seek to enter and will not be able." 

Some will come too late. 
Some will claim a relationship that was not ever true. 
Some will come, expecting that their DNA is enough to enter..
Some will come from the outside.. from far away.. and be accepted with gladness. 

The difference?  Repentance that bears fruit.  True compassion for those in need. True faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. 

Jesus was headed to Jerusalem. He was ready to do what had to be done there. His heart broke for Jerusalem.. but He knew that they would reject their King and that He would be crucified.  Still, He would go to the cross, bear the shame.. for the glory that was set before Him. 

He came for us.  He died for us. He desires to give us the Kingdom that He came to reveal.. so that we can one day sit at His table.  This is the meaning of Christmas.  

Father, we thank You for the gift of Salvation that came that day when Christ the Lord was born.. God with us, Immanuel!  Open our eyes to the deeper truths of Christmas.  Fill our hearts with the joy of a salvation by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord! Thank you. Amen!

Friday, December 16, 2022

 Luke 12 So much teaching is packed into this chapter.. it is hard to know where to start..  let me try to summarize here:

V.1-3  Hypocrisy- is like leaven.. it permeates and effects everything and everyone it touches.  It is deceitfulness...  Jesus tells us that nothing stays hidden.. "whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, " Just walk in Truth. 

V 4-5  Don't fear men.. fear only God who alone "has authority to cast into hell".. Walk and live accordingly.

V6-7  You are valued by God! Believe it and act like it.. 

V8-12  Your future in eternity depends on what you confess about Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Don't worry about what you say.. the Holy Spirit will help you.  Speak up!

V13-20  Don't be greedy.. it gets you nowhere.  Possessions on earth mean nothing. So stop worrying about them!

V21-34  The only treasure that you need to focus on is the one you lay up in heaven.
Don't worry about what you need for your body.. trust God's provision. 
Don't worry.. but seek Him.. treasure Him..

V32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom."

V35-48  Be ready. Be faithful. Be sensible. Be focused on doing the Master's will. 

V49-53  Following Jesus will cause divisions between people.. don't be surprised by that.

V54-59 Judge what is right.. Be wise in how you act towards others. 

That really just touches the surface of these teachings.. but if we can grab on to just one or two of these truths this Christmas season what a difference it could make...   Personally, I want to focus on simply believing verse 32... My Father has "gladly" chosen to give me the Kingdom!  Hallelujah!

Father in heaven, how glorious and wonderful You are!  You have chosen to give us a Savior, Christ the Lord.. who gave Himself up for us.. so that we might be saved.. from hypocrisy.. from greed.. from worry.. from evil men and from the evil one.. and from the wrath of God that we deserve.  Instead, by Your amazing grace.. You give us eternal life and a treasure stored up that will never perish!  We look toward that great day with anticipation and joy.. May we be ready.. prepared... and faithful as we do Your will until Christ comes.  Help us Holy Spirit we pray.  In Jesus' name amen..

Thursday, December 15, 2022

 Luke 11  Jesus taught his disciples  to pray:

"Father, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation." Ask. Seek. Knock.  Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking.  God gives what is good.. what is best!

Jesus taught the Pharisees about kingdoms:

A divided kingdom will fall.  You can't cast out demons by Satan.  Only One greater can overcome one so powerful.. Only God is great enough !

Jesus taught that the only ones "blessed" are those who "hear the Word of God and observe it."  

Jesus is the Light of the world.. Greater than Solomon in all his wisdom. (v31)  Greater than Jonah who brought the word to Ninevah that changed the whole town. 

Jesus gave the religious leaders every opportunity to believe and be saved.. but they refused.  Here, He exposes their sinful hearts full of darkness.. 

They worry about their outward religious rules.. but "are full of robbery and wickedness". 
They tithe the smallest herbs.. but neglect to love other people or to be just.
They love attention more than truth.
They cause hardships for people.. and could care less about helping anyone in need. 
They refuse to look at the truth of God's Word.. and keep others from doing it too. 

This Christmas season.... may our eyes be clear and our lives filled with His holy Light! May we receive the Word of Christ and do it.. 

Father God,  hallowed be Your name.  Let Your kingdom come.. and all darkness be overcome.  Give to us what we need today and every day.. the great gift of Your Holy Spirit.  May we walk in Truth and do Your will. Forgive us for neglecting to love.. for refusing the Truth.. for causing others to stumble.. for focusing on outward actions instead of heart attitudes... We fully surrender to Your will and receive the grace and truth of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

 Luke 10  Jesus sent out 70 of His followers to proclaim the Kingdom and to heal the sick.  They went out as "lambs in the midst of wolves".  And, they came back rejoicing in what God had done! It is interesting that these 70 anonymous believers were given such an important role and never identified... yet, isn't that the way our Lord works?  There are many servants of the Lord.. sent far and wide across this world.. proclaiming the Kingdom of God.. who we will never know by name in this lifetime. Praise the Lord for these faithful servants!   Let us "Beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest".. so that even more will go and tell the good news of Jesus Christ. 

A "certain lawyer"  asked this question, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"   It is a good question.. and he already knew the right answer, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."  It is the same answer that Jesus, Himself would give.  But, the man was not satisfied and asked one more question, "And who is my neighbor?"

Jesus tells the familiar parable of the good Samaritan... 

A "certain man" is robbed and beaten. 
A "certain priest" crossed to the other side of the road.
A "certain Levite" also passed by.. 
But, a "certain Samaritan" stopped.  He felt compassion for the poor man. He showed him mercy by treating his wounds, taking him to safety, and providing for his care. 
This, Jesus says, is what it means to be a neighbor... "Go and do the same." 
The focus is changed from who is my neighbor.. to who can I be a neighbor to... 

Jesus went to Mary and Martha's house.  We know the story.. Martha is too busy to stop and listen.  Mary can't tear herself away from sitting at Jesus' feet.  She chose the "good part", Jesus says. 

Three very different events are included in this chapter.. each giving us a glimpse of Christ.  
Christ who sends our workers into the harvest with good news!
Christ who shows us how to love as a neighbor should.
Christ who doesn't want us to be bothered and worried about "so many things" that we forget to do the "good part".. 

This Christmas season let us take time to pray for, encourage, and give.. so the good news can keep on being told.  Let us be a true loving neighbor to others in need of some mercy and compassion.  And, let us stop being worried and bothered by "so many things".. and choose the "good part".. sitting at the feet of Jesus! 

Father, You know I need to hear this. Help me to go and do it!  I beseech You to send out workers into Your harvest. I pray for those in need and ask that You lead me to help those that I can.  I pray that worry and stress over holiday "stuff" will not take over me but that I will just simply stop and listen to Your voice.  Accomplish all that You desire in me today.. for You are my strength.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

The twelve and the Kingdom

 Luke 9   Jesus gave the twelve "power and authority over all the demons, and to heal diseases."  Then He sent them out on their own "to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal".  After they returned, He took them to Bethsaida.. to  rest.  But, the crowd followed and Jesus welcomed them and spoke of the Kingdom of God and healed many.  When the time became late.. Jesus told the disciples to feed them.  It was an impossible task for mere men.. but, by the power of God the 5 loaves and 2 fish fed the 5000 and resulted in 12 full baskets of leftovers! 

This is the truth of the Kingdom that the disciples were just beginning to grasp. The Kingdom of God goes beyond men's ability to know or do... it takes a supernatural act of God.  

Jesus asked the disciples "Who do the multitudes say that I am?"  They knew He was not an ordinary man.. perhaps John.. Elijah.. or another resurrected prophet?  But, Peter had a better answer.. "The Christ of God"!  The Messiah.  It is at this revelation that Jesus began to expand their understanding.. "The Son of Man must suffer many things, and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed and be raised up on the third day."  

The Kingdom of God is not about greatness in the sense of human power and ability.. Jesus began to specifically teach the disciples the cost of the Kingdom.. "If anyone wishes to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me."  The Kingdom requires us to lay down our lives instead of trying to save ourselves. It requires us to be the "least" and not the greatest.  It requires us to not be ashamed of the Lord.. but to give ourselves up for His Name. It requires us to follow Him.. even when there is no place to lay our heads.. when we have to leave the "dead" behind.. when we want to turn back..The Kingdom is worth our full surrender to Jesus. 

Jesus said in verse 27 "But I say truthfully there are some of those standing here who shall not taste death until they see the kingdom of God."  Some believe that this was fulfilled 8 days later as Peter, James and John stood on the mountain top and watched as Jesus was transfigured and met with Elijah and Moses.  They "saw His glory".  They heard the voice of the Father.  They were covered in the cloud of God's glory.  Or, perhaps, He was speaking of John's revelation experienced on the Isle of Patmos where he saw the greatest vision of heaven that any man ever had. 

Yes, the Kingdom is worth everything... 

This Christmas season.. as we come to worship and adore the Newborn King.. let us turn our eyes toward the Kingdom that is coming.. the Kingdom that awaits us.. for whom Christ died.. "the Son of Man did not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them.. "  Let us proclaim this truth whenever and wherever we can this Christmas! 

Father in heaven, we bow before You with hearts of thanksgiving and praise.. for You have given us a Savior.. Christ the Lord!  We lay down our lives today.. taking up our cross and following Him.. Give us the wisdom and the strength .. by the power of Your Spirit who is within us.. to stand firm in Your Truth. May we be fit for the Kingdom of God! Conform us to the image and character of Your Beloved Son as it is in His Name we pray. Amen

Monday, December 12, 2022

The Sower

 Luke 8   As the multitude grew and people began to come from far and wide to hear Jesus and to seek His help.. Jesus began speaking in parables.  There are mysteries.. He told His disciples.. "mysteries of the kingdom of God".. that some have been granted to know.. but to others.. according to scripture would not be able to see or hear.. or understand.  That, in itself, is a great mystery. 

The parable of the sower and the seed is significant.  As Jesus said.. "take care how you listen".. we need to have ears to hear.. and heed what we hear.  The seed.. the Word of God.. is freely sown.. but how it is received makes all the difference! 

Some hear.. but it is snatched away.. trampled under foot..lost before it can make a difference. 
Some hear.. grab on to it.. but fall away quickly with no roots to keep it alive.
Some hear.. believe.. but allow the things of this world to choke out any real faith. 
And finally.. some hear and believe with  an "honest and good heart and hold it fast".  These grow up to bear fruit "with perseverance".  These ones.. who hear and do the Word of God.. are the same as the mother and brothers of Jesus Himself. 

Luke records next four miraculous works that again authenticate the message and authority of Jesus Christ:

He commanded the wind and waves.. and they obeyed.
He delivered Legion from the many demons that had entered him.. sending them into the herd of swine.
He healed the woman who had reached out and touched His garment.. sending her away in wholeness of body and soul. 
He raised the daughter of Jairus from the dead.

This Christmas season we are turning our eyes fully to the Wonderful Counselor.. the Prince of Peace.. who came to bring good news.. and great joy.. Christ the Lord.. God with us..our Hope.. our Salvation.. our King of kings and Lord of lords..  Who came to give us the Word.. may we receive it with an honest and good heart and bear fruit with perseverance!

Father  in heaven, we are so thankful for the Gift of Jesus Christ.. our Lord and King.  Help us to keep listening.. to keep believing.. to keep abiding in Him!  May we experience the exceeding.. "inexpressible" joy found in Jesus this day. We love You and surrender our whole selves to You...following the example of our Savior.. who "emptied Himself."...came in the form of a servant.. and humbled Himself .. "becoming obedient to the point of death on a cross".  Your will be done in us today, we ask.. in His great Name. Amen. 

Friday, December 9, 2022

The Healer

 Luke 7  The centurion's servant.  The grieving mother's son.  The diseased.. the afflicted.. the blind.. the lame.. the deaf.. the dead..  Jesus came for "all people" .. Hallelujah!   He was the "Expected One".. that Israel had longed for.  He had compassion and offered forgiveness of sin.  ".. blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me."  He tells us.  O help us not to stumble!

Yet, the religious leaders would not believe. They refused to accept the truth that was being revealed right before their eyes. How sad it is that there are so many who have heard the Word.. who have perhaps even tasted a bit of His grace.. yet cannot admit their own sinfulness and helplessness.. and will not love the One who loves them so.. 

Jesus went to dine at Simon, the Pharisee's house.  As He reclined at the table, a woman.. known to be an immoral woman.. came and wet His feet with her tears.. anointed them and wiped them with her hair.. and kissed them.  Simon immediately judged Jesus.. for allowing this sinful woman to touch Him.  Jesus used this opportunity to teach about forgiveness and love.  The woman.. forgiven much.. went away in peace. The Pharisee.. unable to confess his need of forgiveness.. stayed unforgiven.  Perhaps there would be a time when Simon would understand.. that he would bow before the Lord.. that he would recognize his spiritual poverty.. mourn his sin.. and find the Redeemer's forgiveness.  I hope so.  As I hope for those today who are still without the salvation that Jesus came to offer to all who would believe!

This Christmas season.. my prayer is for the salvation of the lost.. in my family.. in my neighborhood.. in my country.. and in the world wherever the message is being preached.. 

Father in heaven,  we give You thanks..  " .. thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life." ( II Corinthians 2:14-15)  Let those who hear the Good News choose life.. in Jesus Christ the Lord..  We rejoice once again for the good news that "there has been born for [us] a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.."  for He came to bring joy to "all people". Hallelujah and Amen!  Father, may there be today.. a great harvest of souls.. brought into the Kingdom by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Thursday, December 8, 2022

The Teacher

 Luke 6  There is another important revelation to add to chapter five's list..  Jesus revealed His power, His authority, His willingness, His purpose, and His mission.. to this we find that Jesus reveals that He is "Lord of the Sabbath".   The Jewish leaders were very strict about the Sabbath laws. They added their own rules and used these rules to control people and to make themselves more important. So when the disciples ate some grain.. they jumped on that to judge Jesus.  But, Jesus did not submit to their false authority. Instead, He taught them that people are more important than rules..  David ate consecrated bread and was not condemned because of it.  Likewise, Jesus would heal the man with the withered hand.. for it is "lawful on the Sabbath to do good..."

After choosing 12 out of the multitude of disciples to be His apostles, Jesus again began to teach.  Luke's version of the Beatitudes is slightly different than Matthew's.. but the message is the same:

There are blessings for the poor who understand their great need.. 

There are blessings for the hungry and the weeping.. and the persecuted..

The rich receive comfort in this world and don't understand their great need for God's grace.  The well-fed are not prepared for the day of hunger.. the laughing ones are not prepared for mourning and weeping... Life is not just about the right now.. we need to live in light of eternity.. 

Jesus calls His followers to a different way of life... a life with eternity in view.. 

He calls us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hate us, to bless those who curse us, and to pray for those who mistreat us.  He calls us to give more than we are asked for, to not return evil for evil.  He calls us to treat others as we ourselves want to be treated.  He calls us to love... even the unlovable.. to do good to those who don't deserve it.. to be merciful.. to pardon.. to give.... like our Father in heaven. 

Jesus taught that we must take the logs out of our eyes.. remove from our hearts those things that produce bad fruit.. and to treasure what is good in our hearts. If we call Jesus "Lord", He says.. then we need to act upon His Words.. that is the foundation of a life that will not be shaken. 

As we focus on the Christ of Christmas this year...let us fill up our hearts with His Word.. like Mary, let us treasure these truths.. and then let us act upon them. 

Father in heaven, whatever You bring my way today.. may I draw from the love that You have poured into my heart.. and act out of love.  May I be generous and merciful, kind and just. May I love and comfort and encourage others. May I speak truth in love.  May I be Your witness to those I come into contact with. Spirit of God,  fill us with the power of love, patience, kindness, and self-control.  May good fruit be produced in us by the Your Holy Presence.  May the Life of Jesus be seen in us today we pray, Amen. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

The Authority

 Luke 5  In this chapter Luke gives us examples of the way that Jesus revealed His authority as the Anointed One.. the Son of David.. the Christ who came to be the Light of the world.

Verses 1-11   Jesus was teaching by the lake of Gennesaret and the crowd was pressing in.. so He got on Simon's boat and asked him to pull out just enough so He could teach from there.  Afterwards, He told Simon to go into the deeper water and put down his nets.. which were then filled so completely with fish that both that boat and James and John's boat were beginning to sink.  Jesus revealed His power over nature .  This also marked His calling upon these men to become fishers of men...

Verses 12-14  A man "full of leprosy" came to Jesus and "fell on his face and implored Him, saying 'Lord if You are willing, You can make me clean.' "   Here, Jesus revealed His willingness and His power to cleanse completely.

Verses 15-26  As Jesus was teaching and healing.. a group of men brought their paralyzed friend to Him.  Unable to get into the house, they went up on the roof and made an entrance so that they could let down the man on his stretcher "right in the center, in front of Jesus."  To the astonishment of the Pharisees and teachers of the law.. and to everyone else.. Jesus said, "Friend, your sins are forgiven you."  The scribes and Pharisees took issue with this, but Jesus told them, "Which is easier to say, 'Your sins have been forgiven you,' or to say 'Rise and walk'? But in order that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins,' - He said to the paralytic- ' I say to you, rise, and take up your stretcher and go home.'"    Jesus revealed His authority to forgive sins.. 

Verses 27-32  Jesus saw Levi ( Matthew)  a tax-gatherer and called him to follow Him.  Immediately, Levi left everything behind and became a disciple of Jesus.  He gave a reception at his home and invited "a great crowd of tax-gatherers".. which caused the Pharisees and scribes to grumble again.  But, Jesus revealed His purpose.. "It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick.  I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." 

Verses 33-39  In these last verses of this chapter, Jesus reveals that He is doing a new work... The disciples weren't fasting because He was like a bridegroom and was with them. When He went away, then they would fast.  He wasn't just trying to fix the old religious system.. He was completely changing everything.. new wine.. into new wineskins.  New life.. into new creations.. This is the mission of Jesus... HE came to make all things new!

This Christmas season.. as we come to celebrate the birth of our Savior.. let us remember and meditate upon these revelations.. 

Jesus came with power and authority..over nature.. over sin.. over disease.. over old systems that were not complete.  He came for a purpose.. to call us to repent... and to make us new creatures in Him. Let us share the good news.. He Is Willing! He Is Able!  He Is Lord of All!

Father in heaven, thank You for the love that You have lavished on us.. sending us Your Beloved Son to be our Savior and King forever! Blessed is the Name of the Lord and greatly to be praised! Let Your Kingdom come in power and grace.. that the whole world will know that Jesus Christ is Lord. Amen!

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The purpose

 Luke 4   Jesus was "led about by the Spirit in the wilderness".  Full of the Holy Spirit, He spent 40 days fasting "and being tempted by the devil".   We are told of three specific tests:

First, the devil wanted Him to prove that He was the Son of God by changing rocks into bread.  Jesus answered with the Word, "Man shall not live on bread alone." 

Second, the devil want Jesus to worship him in exchange for dominion over all the earth.  Jesus refused, answering, "You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only." 

Thirdly, the devil wanted Jesus to prove the promise of God to not allow Him to be hurt when He threw Himself off the pinnacle of the temple.  Jesus refused, "You shall not put the Lord Your God to the test." 

Jesus did not have to prove anything to the devil. The devil and the demons, as we see shortly, knew exactly Who He was!   May we not lose focus on the truth of God's Word.. We don't live by bread.. but by the Word of God.  We worship and serve Him only. We do not test His promises but simply trust in Him alone. 

After this, Jesus begins to go through Galilee preaching the Good News. Verses 18-19 tells us the essence of Jesus' purpose on earth:

He came in the power of the Spirit of the Lord.. anointed to "preach the gospel to the poor". 
He was "sent to proclaim release to the captives." 
He would give sight to the blind.
He would "set free the downtrodden".
He would "proclaim the favorable year of the Lord."

This is the Word, the purpose that Jesus would fulfill in His time of ministry on the earth.  His message would be received by some and rejected by many.  His own hometown became angry because He would not do their will.. But, in Capernaum, many heard the authority of His Words and were amazed.  Jesus cast out demons.. again, as we read in Matthew, proving that the Kingdom had come.. and He healed the sick.  Release to captives.. sight to the blind.. freedom to the crushed and bruised....

The Babe in the manger.. is the Christ Who came to free us from sin and death, open our eyes to see the Truth, heal us from the crushing and bruising that this world sometimes delivers to us.  Jesus came in grace and truth.. "He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power." Hebrews 1:3.  He was "made.. for a little while lower than the angels;" so that He would later be "crowned.. with glory and honor" and all things "put.. in subjection under His feet." 

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  Your Kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.. the bread of Life.  Forgive us every trespass as we forgive others. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil. Come Jesus!  Let us live" by faith in the Son of God, who loves us and delivered Himself up for us."  Father bring to mind these truths often.. through this season especially.  Jesus Christ came for us. What wonderful, good, good news! Amen. 

Monday, December 5, 2022

The Baptism

 Luke 3 John, the son of Zacharias, began his ministry in the wilderness.  He was called to be "the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make ready the way of the Lord.. '"  John came "preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;"  We must remember that the word "baptism" refers to being overwhelmed.. completely immersed or washed.  So what John preached was that we need to be completely overwhelmed and immersed in our repentance.  Repentance begins with compunction .. a pricking of our conscience.. a sense of guilt that brings remorse and regret. When we repent.. we make a conscious decision to turn away from sin.. to reconsider our ways.. to think differently than we had before. 

John preached that true repentance would bear fruit... good fruit.  When asked he gave some specific examples:

The man who had more than enough.. would share with those who were in need.

The business man (tax-gatherer) would be honest and not take more than what was necessary.. 

The soldiers were not to take money by force.. nor accuse anyone falsely.. but to learn to be content with their wages. 

The people wanted to know if John was the Messiah.. and John set them straight.. ".. One is coming who is mightier than I, and I am not fit to untie the thong of His sandals; He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. And His winnowing fork is in His hand to thoroughly clear His threshing floor, and to gather the wheat into His barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire." 

Jesus came to John to be baptized.. not for repentance.. but for the Holy Spirit to descend "in bodily form like a dove.." The announcement from heaven came then.. "Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee I am well-pleased." 

Luke finishes this chapter with a genealogy of Jesus.. showing His legal right to the throne of David.  The way had been made ready.. the Lord Jesus was preparing for His ministry to go public.  There was one more thing that needed to be done.. and that would happen in the wilderness in the next 40 days. 

This Christmas season.. as we think about the coming of Jesus.. the babe who was born in a stable and laid in a manger.. let us be reminded of the gospel that John preached.. This baby came to be King.. He came to baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.. He came to clear the threshing floor.  He came to claim His own and to judge with righteousness and truth.  He came to the lost and the needy.  He came to show the way to true repentance and forgiveness of sins.  He came to bring life.. abundant life to all who will believe.  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!

Father in heaven, You are gracious and kind.. to send Your Beloved Son for the salvation of mankind. Overwhelm us with Your Spirit that we might live for You..  always bearing good fruit.. truly repenting of every sin and following Jesus in grace and truth.  We lay down our lives.. take up our crosses... and follow Jesus, our Mighty King.  Wonderful Counselor.. speak to our hearts today. We want to hear Your voice and abide in You through every moment of this season of celebrating Your birth. Let us not be distracted by the thoughts and feelings of this world.. the focus on lights and trees and gifts and parties.. but let us truly come and adore You.  Amen. 

Friday, December 2, 2022

The birth of Jesus

 Luke 2  Joseph and Mary went up to Bethlehem.. for the census.. but also because that was where God wanted them for the birth of Jesus Christ. 

The first to testify of this marvelous birth are the angels.   They told the shepherds:  ".. good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people.."  The good news is still.. "in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."   He was born for us! He is Christ the Lord.. the Savior for all people! This good news brings praise from the angels and from us.. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." 

The shepherds are the second ones to testify about Jesus.  They go to Bethlehem.. they find Mary, Joseph and the Baby.. exactly as they were told.. and they "made known the statement which had been told them about this Child."  Even Mary seems to need to hear the words of the shepherds.. for she "treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart."   The good news once again produces praise to God. 

Two more people testify about Jesus as Mary and Joseph go to Jerusalem to fulfill the requirements of the Law.  Jesus is circumcised, named, and dedicated to the Lord.  Simeon and Anna, by the power of the Holy Spirit, announce the truth of this Child's identity.. "For my eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared in the presence of all peoples, A Light of Revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel." 

 As time passed we are told that Jesus "continued to grow and become strong increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him."  When He was 12 He went up to Jerusalem with His family and stayed behind in the temple speaking with the teachers there.  When Mary and Joseph came back to find Him, His testimony was this, "Did you not know that I had to be in My Father's house?"  Again, Mary had to ponder these things.. not fully understanding.. but treasuring "all these things in her heart." 

This is the Good News of Christmas.. Christ the Lord was born for "all peoples".  He came to bring salvation. He came to bring Light into the darkness.  He came to bring us to the Father.  Glory to God in the highest!

Father in heaven, we hear the testimony of the angels.. of the shepherds, and of Simeon and Anna.  We take these words into our hearts and treasure them, just like Mary did. We have come to know this wonderful Truth.. Jesus Christ is Lord!  Thank You. Fill our hearts with joy! May we grow in confidence and understanding of Your Holy Word as we ponder these things in our hearts today and through this Christmas season.  Amen. 

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The announcements!

 Luke 1 ..Taking a brief pause from the Psalms.. I am turning to Luke.. to  focus on Jesus, the Christ who is the True gift of Christmas... 

This first chapter is introduced by Luke.. who tells his readers that he is writing "so that you might know the exact truth about the things you have been taught."  

The truth is.. that Zacharias was visited by Gabriel.. an angel who "stands in the presence of God."  Gabriel tells Zacharias that he and his wife, Elizabeth, were going to finally have a baby. This son would be John.. chosen before his conception.. to be "a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah.. "  His role was to "turn back the hearts.. "  of the people.. "to the attitude of the righteous; so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord." 

And so it happened!

The truth of Mary's visit with Gabriel is stunning.  This humble young woman was chosen by God to bear His Son.  Her song of praise reveals her true heart:

"My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave.. "  She heard.. she believed.. and she praised the Lord with all her heart.

There is so much to be said of these truths.. but the main message that I want to focus on through this season.. is this: like Mary.. may we exalt the Lord for He has regarded us.. in our humble states..  He has shown us mercy.. He has done mighty deeds.. He has filled us with "good things".. He has given us help.  We have all been chosen.. to bear the image of God's Son.   May the Holy Spirit fill us to the full with His power.. doing what is impossible for mankind.. but never impossible for God.. to make us all that He desires us to be. 

Father in heaven, may Your will be done in each of us today.   May we grow in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ. May His fulness fill our lives with truth and love. Holy Spirit, come and to all that is needed in us as we yield to Your will and purposes.  Thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.. the Savior of the world! We rejoice in You, God our Savior..  amen.