Thursday, April 2, 2020

Note:  My normal pattern of study is to focus on one book in the Old Testament and then one from the New Testament.  So, finishing Numbers, I am moving to my next New Testament book - Acts.
I am also using two translations of the Bible at this time ( in case some of the quotations sound different).. one is the The Complete Jewish Study Bible ( a recent gift that is very enlightening) and the New American Standard Bible.

Acts 1
Luke takes up the narrative that follows his first book recording the life of Christ.  He begins with the ascension of Jesus.  The disciples watched as Jesus "was taken up before their eyes; and a cloud hid him from their sight."  They didn't know what would happen next.  They had hoped for the restoration of their nation. But, they were only told to wait.. wait for "what the Father promised.." 
And so they did.

How did they wait?

They waited together.
They waited in prayer.
They waited in obedience to the Scriptures.

One of my favorite books is Waiting On God byAndrew Murray.  I could quote this whole little book here and it would fill your souls.. but I'll contain myself to this one passage:

"There can be no good but what God works; to wait upon God, and have the heart filled with faith in His working, and in that faith to pray for His mighty power to come down, is our only wisdom. Oh for the eyes of our heart to be opened to see God working in ourselves and in others, and to see how blessed it is to worship and just to wait for His salvation! Our private and public prayer is our chief expression of our relation to God. It is in them chiefly that our waiting upon God must be exercised. If our waiting begin by quieting the activities of nature and being still before God; if it bows and seeks to see God in His universal and almighty operation, alone able and always ready to work all good; if it yields itself to Him in the assurance that He is working and will work in us;  if it maintains the place of humility and stillness, and surrenders until God's Spirit has quickened the faith that He will perfect His work: it will indeed become the strength and joy of the soul."

"My should waits in silence for God alone; my salvation comes from Him." ( Ps. 62:1)

Father, we are waiting upon You for our salvation... for our every need.. for the good that You desire for each of us and for the Church as a whole.  We are waiting in faith.  We are waiting in separate homes, but together in spirit.  We are waiting in prayer, interceding for the lost, the hurting, and the overwhelmed. Let Your glory be revealed in our nation as Your people pray. Heal our land.  Heal our world.   We hear Your words, " Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." ( Psalm 46:10)  You are our stronghold and You are with us!
Praise Your Holy Name!

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