Friday, April 17, 2020

Acts 13  Saul and Barnabas were "set apart"  by the Holy Spirit to go and preach the Good News.   After a stop in Cyprus, they went to  Pisidian Antioch.   There, Paul is given an opportunity to speak in the synagogue and many come to believe in Jesus.  The next week, most of the town shows up to hear about Jesus.

Paul makes the gospel message clear to both Jews and Gentiles. "God-fearers!  It is to us that the message of this deliverance has been sent!" ( v26)

The good news is that Jesus is risen from the dead;  he has fulfilled all the promises and prophecies written about  Him. "Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, through this man is proclaimed the forgiveness of sins!  That is, God clears everyone who puts his trust in this man, even in regard to all the things concerning which you could not be cleared by the Torah of Moses." (  38 - 39)

This is the Gospel and it thrills our souls!  Yet, the jealous Jews rejected it.  Paul said the them, "It was necessary that God's word be spoken first to you. But since you are rejecting it and are judging yourselves unworthy of eternal life - why we're turning to the Gentiles!" (v46)

To reject the truth about Jesus is to "judge yourself unworthy of eternal life". 

I have to stop and reread that verse. It strikes me.. deeply. Too many of my loved ones have done just that.  They have rejected Jesus.  They have judged themselves unworthy of eternal life.  Oh, God of mercy... forgive them and bring them to the Truth.

Like Paul and Barnabas, we are to be "as a light for the nations, to be for deliverance to the ends of the earth."  Verse 48 "The Gentiles were very happy to hear this. They honored the message about the Lord and as many as had been appointed to eternal life came to trust." 

We are reminded here that it is our job to be a light and to share the Good News about Jesus,  but it is God's Hands to appoint people for eternal life.

Father,  You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  You have given us life through Jesus Christ the Lord.  We have put our trust in Him.  Thank You for appointing us to eternal life.  Father, we pray for those who have rejected the Lord Jesus.  We pray for their eyes to be opened and their hearts to receive the Word, the Good News, and to trust in Him.  We entreat You on their behalf,  Father. Asking this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

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