Thursday, April 16, 2020

Acts 12  James, the brother of John, is arrested and put to death by Herod. Peter is arrested and put into prison.  On the night before he was to be brought to trial, an angel was sent to Peter in answer to the prayers of the Christians.

His chains fell off.
He was told to dress.
He was led through a gate that opened by itself.
And, he was led through the street.

It was only then that Peter realized that this was not a dream!

When Herod finds out that Peter is gone.. his anger is unleashed.
He has the guards killed.
He leaves the area.
And, he brings about his own doom by receiving glory that only belongs to God.

Two men.. Peter and Herod.
One is delivered in a miraculous way that gives glory to God.
One is destroyed because of he would not give glory to God.

The constant message of the Scriptures is once again delivered to us - choose life or choose death.
Life is in Christ alone. 
Death is in everything else.

Psalm 145:20 "Adonai protects all who love him, but all the wicked he destroys." 

Father in heaven,  You are great and greatly to be praised.  Your greatness is beyond "all searching out".  We praise Your mighty works and proclaim your mighty acts.  We meditate on Your "glorious splendor.". ..your majesty.. your kingship.. your glory!  You are good to all.  You are gracious and merciful.  You are righteous in all Your ways, and full of grace and kindness in all You do. Lord God, we call on You and You hear us.  Thank You.  We pray that people everywhere will bless Your holy name and praise You with all their hearts. Amen.

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