Thursday, April 9, 2020

Acts 6-7 Stephen was chosen, along with 6 other men, to be in charge of helping the needy widows among the believers.  The apostles needed to focus on the Word and on prayer, but this other ministry was also important.  The requirements for these 7 men were precise - they had to be full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom.

Stephen is said to be "full of grace and power".  He performed miracles and spoke with wisdom and the Spirit.  The opposition could not stand up against him with their arguments.. so they resorted to lies.  They had him arrested and they participated in stoning him to death.  The persecution of the believers began in earnest.

Stephen preached a powerful message before he died.  But, the last words he spoke are .. stunning... amazing.. gripping... challenging..  ( I really can't find the right word here)  -

  "As they were stoning him, Stephen called out to God, ' Lord Jesus! Receive my spirit !' Then he kneeled down and shouted out,' Lord, Don't hold this sin against them!'  With that, he died'" ( Acts 7:59-60)

O Father, fill your church with Your Holy Spirit and with wisdom.  May Your children be full of grace and power.  May we speak with wisdom by the power of Your Spirit.  May we be ready to give You our lives and to intercede for those who are angry, lost, and rebellious; even those who persecute us.  Sanctify us through and through, Jesus, so that on the day You call us home, we will see You, standing on the right hand of God.. ready to receive us to Yourself. Be glorified in Your Church.. Your Bride.. Your Body.  To the praise of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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