Monday, April 27, 2020

Acts 20  Paul and his friends make their final journey through Macedonia and Greece.. heading to Jerusalem.  Paul knows this is the last time he will see these believers.  He knows that what lies ahead will include "imprisonment and persecution".  But, he makes this statement, ".. I consider my own life of no importance to me whatsoever, as long as I can finish the course ahead of me, the task I received from the Lord Jesus - to declare in depth the Good News of God's love and kindness." (v24)

Can we say, along with Paul, that nothing in our lives is more important than this.. that we finish the course God has set for us.. and do the tasks He has called us to do?  These thoughts take me back to  the sermon from yesterday.. ( if you would like to hear it.. check out the Alliance Church of Zephyrhills facebook page )  Pastor Teddy O'Farrell preached a powerful message about what happens now... (I don't think he'll mind me using his main points; did I get them all? )

Purpose-  We are assured that God still has a purpose for each of us, even as he had for Paul.
Prayer-  The most important thing we need to be doing! Is this the task God has assigned to you?  Yes!!! It is a vital work for all God's children!
Praise- We are all called to this task also!
Power- Holy Spirit power is given to us so that we can do what God calls us to do.
Proclaim- We have a life-giving, vital message  - the Good News of God's love and kindness!
Produce- God calls us to life fruit-filled lives as we abide in the True Vine.. our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father in heaven, have Your way in our lives. There is nothing more important than this.. that we finish the course You have set before us and that we do the tasks You have called us to and enabled us to do.  Your will be done on earth.. in each of us.. as it is done in heaven.  In Jesus' name. amen.

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