Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Acts 11  When Peter returned to Jerusalem, he was criticized for going into the home of a Gentile. He patiently explains exactly what happened and they all rejoiced and praised God together for "God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life." v18 NASB.  The Jewish Bible records that verse this way... " this means that God has enabled the Gentiles as well to do t'shuvah and have life!" 

"T'shuvah"  means turning.  Turning from sin to God.  In Greek the word is "metanoia" - to think differently, to reconsider , to feel guilt or compunction.. reversal.  Compunction, a word we don't use often,  is defined as - "a pricking.. of the conscience.. a sharp feeling of uneasiness brought on by a sense of guilt; a twinge of conscience; remorse;"

There were people turning to the Lord Jesus everywhere the Good News was being preached.  In Antioch a church was established.  Barnabas and Saul led the church that first year.  The church was growing, they were seeing "the grace of God at work".  Yet, persecution and famine were about to explode in the whole region.  How did the church handle that news?  They prepared to help.

We see this happening today.  We are facing this pandemic.  The economy is in trouble.  Politicians are fighting.  The media is intent on anything negative ( or so it seems to me).   But, there are people who are turning to the Lord.  God has granted "repentance that leads to life".  The church is reaching out to help those in need.

The grace of God IS at work. 

Father in Heaven, we praise Your Name.  Your plan is always perfect and  good.  You use all things according to Your purposes.  We are thankful to You  for granting us salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We thank You that Your grace is at work.. calling people to Yourself.  We pray " Your Kingdom come"... asking for a great harvest of souls, here in our country and around the world.  Strengthen Your people for the tasks ahead.  May we see hearts changed as You grant "repentance that leads to life. "  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Lord of all, amen.

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