Monday, April 20, 2020

Acts 14  Paul and Barnabas go to Iconium and preach the good news there.  Again, some believe and some reject the truth.  Even after Paul heals a man crippled from birth, there is a problem because the people there think they are Zeus and Hermes.  The unbelieving Jews come and cause many to turn against Paul and they try to stone him.

Our enemy is working in many ways to bring confusion.. to "poison" the minds of people so that they turn against the Lord and His people.  Satan even uses "religious" people.  He uses good people and bad people...  he uses false religions and he even uses so-called christians to confuse and keep people from believing the Truth. It is vital that we keep speaking up... keep speaking the Good News about Jesus!

Paul confronts the false beliefs with the truth of Who God is.. " We are announcing Good News to you - turn from these worthless things to the living God who made heaven and earth and the sea and everything in them." ( v15)

Paul encourages those who believed to continue to be "true to the faith" and that "it is through many hardships that we must enter the Kingdom of God." ( v22)  He them commits them into the Lord's hands.

This brings to mind Ephesians 6:10 -13   "Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary.  For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.  So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing." 

Father in heaven,  we come to You in union with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, asking once again for His mighty strength, so that we might stand firm and true in faith, even through many hardships.
We thank You for the Truth- Jesus Christ, who holds us together, who girds us about with Himself.   We put on His righteousness, for He is our Redeemer.  We wear the shoes of peace - ready to share the Good News with others.  Thank You. We are taking up our shields of faith, trusting You "to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One".  We are taking up our helmets of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.. and we are praying.  Lord God, maker of heaven and earth, deliver us from the evil one and keep us walking in the Light.  May Your Name be glorified and honored. And, may Your Kingdom come!  Amen.

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