Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Acts 16  Paul, Silas, and now Timothy are called to proclaim the Gospel in Macedonia.  In Philippi, they meet Lydia and begin a church in her home after "the Lord opened up her heart to respond.. " to the Gospel.

Satan attacks, through a poor demon-possessed slave girl, who screams after them every day, "These men are servants of the Most High God. They are telling you how to be saved!" (v17).   While the words were true, the problem was that this was coming from an evil spirit. Paul was greatly disturbed and commanded, in the name of Jesus, that the spirit to leave her and it did.  This, however, caused a problem since her owners could no longer use her to make money for themselves.  So, they stirred up the judges, had Paul and Silas arrested, beaten, and thrown into a prison.

But, God... !  God had a plan!  An earthquake shook the prison.  All the doors were opened!  All the chains were removed.  The jailor and his whole family became believers in Jesus Christ.  And Paul and Silas received an apology and and escort out of the city.

Our God moves in ways that we can't imagine.  He called Lydia, a wealthy woman, by the side of a river.. and He called a jailor and his whole family, through an earthquake.. in a prison.. while His servants, Paul and Silas, in stocks, beaten, and yet rejoicing... trusted Him to do great things.

Some will come to the Lord gently.. with a stirring to their soul, like Lydia.
Some will come through a violent and painful, life-changing experience.
God's plan is unique to each of us, isn't it?  We each have a story to tell... about how God opened our hearts.  Perhaps it is time to share your story with someone today!

Father in heaven,  I am so thankful that You opened my heart to believe in Jesus Christ as my  Savior and Lord.  Thank You that You have a plan and that You do amazing and impossible things to reach us and draw us to Yourself. Whatever way You choose to work, Father,  we pray that You would bring believe on the name of Jesus Christ and be saved. We ask this in the Name of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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