Monday, April 6, 2020

Acts 3  The crippled man was carried every day.. to the "Beautiful Gate".  He hoped for a small gift. He had been crippled all of his life.  He had no hope of anything more.  But, when Peter and John came by and said " Look at us!".. the man turned their way.  He hoped only for a coin.. but what he got was far more!  "In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene - walk!" Peter said, as he pulled the man to his feet.  In that brief second, the mans feet and ankles became stronger than they had ever been in his entire life.  He walked.. he leaped.. and he praised God!

As the crowd gathers, Peter uses this opportunity to tell them about Jesus.  He doesn't pull any punches... " .. you disowned the Holy and Righteous One.." (NIV); "You killed the author of life!" (CJB)..

But... " God has raised Him from the dead!" 
God "fulfilled what he had announced in advance, when He spoke through all the prophets.."

"Therefore , repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased." 
"... God has sent his servant whom he raised up, so that he might bless you by turning each one of you from your evil ways." 

 If the crippled man had not turned... he would have remained as he was.. unable to stand, let alone walk or leap.
If we do not turn to the One who can erase our sin.. we will remain just as we are.. unable to live.. for we are crippled in our sinfulness..

But, Praise God, we have a Savior who died to pay the price for our sins, who rose again on the third day, and who sits at the right hand of the Father until that day when He comes again for all who will trust Him! 

Father, we praise You for the wonderful and precious gift that You have given to all who will trust You.. salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  We will celebrate this week.. this amazing gift of grace.  May many, many more people.. turn to You and find Life through His Name. The Name above all names, the Name of Jesus. Amen.

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