Friday, April 10, 2020

Acts 8  This chapter introduces us to Saul and his role as persecutor of the church.  The believers are scattered as Saul and others began to drag believers into prison. Yet, God had a plan!  These believers went with their most valuable possession.. the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The rest of this chapter deals with Philip, one of the 7 chosen to serve the church.  Philip went to Samaria, proclaiming Jesus, and many came to believe. This news traveled back to Jerusalem and Peter and John came down to see what was happening.  The new believers did not automatically receive the Holy Spirit, but when Peter and John laid their hands on them and prayed, they received Him.

Philip was  then sent south, where he met the Ethiopian eunuch, and proclaimed the good news to him.

Samaritans, Ethiopians, and even magicians...  the Gospel was proclaimed and received and many were saved.

I am reminded again that NO MATTER WHAT... God has a plan.. and that plan is that the Good News of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed... and people of every tongue and tribe and nation need to hear it and receive it so that they may be saved. 

God used Saul, even when he was a persecutor of the church, to spread the Gospel!
God used Philip on a lonely road to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian eunuch!

God can use anyone to share the Gospel... even me.. or you.
And.. He can bring anyone into His Kingdom.. even the most unlikely of characters.

It doesn't matter to God if we are quarantined in our homes.. if we are in a lonely place.. or if we are in the midst of the trial of our lives... He has a plan and He will use us to proclaim the Good News about Jesus Christ so that others may come to believe.  May we be like Philip... willing to go wherever the Lord sends us.. whether that is physically or via the internet!

Father in heaven, we give thanks to You .. "who always leads us in His triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved.. " ( II Cor. 2:14-15a)  We pray for those who do not yet know You, asking in the Name of Jesus, that You will unveil their blinded eyes and open their deaf ears, so that they will hear the Good News and believe.  You are great and mighty and Your love is unfailing Father.  We give You all our praise and worship You alone!  Be glorified in Your church this day we pray.. in Jesus' name. Amen.

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