Friday, April 3, 2020

Acts 2  recalls the most important and exciting event of the Church - the coming of the Holy Spirit!
The believers were together.. waiting.. when this roaring sound suddenly filled the house and what looked like tongues of fire "separated and came to rest on each one of them." 

It was an amazing, powerful event that brought the whole city and the  Pentecost celebrating Jews from all over the world who had crowded into the city.. running to the house to see what was happening.  They heard the followers of Jesus speaking - in their own languages.. every single one present heard about the "great things God [had] done." 

Peter, stands  up and preaches the gospel, the Good News about Jesus, who did miraculous works of God; who was arrested, tried, and crucified on a cross; who was raised from the dead, for "it was impossible that death could keep its hold on him." Jesus who sits at the right hand of God!

  -  and thousands put their faith in Jesus, are baptized and join together.  The Church is launched!

 "Continuing faithfully and with singleness of purpose... "
They shared their food and their joy.
They praised God.
They gained respect.
They helped each other.
They stayed together.

Peter's message is still relevant!  When people ask "Brothers, what should we do?"  The answer remains the same.. " Turn from sin, return to God, be immersed ( baptized)  on the authority of Jesus the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will  receive  the gift of the Holy Spirit." 

They finally heard the good news and believed.
What will it take for your loved one, your neighbor, your co-worker... to really hear and believe?
If ".. faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ"  then we need to keep speaking up!

Father, we pray that once again You would pour out Your Holy Spirit upon Your sons and daughters. that we might boldly share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Open the ears and unveil the eyes of those still lost and living in rebellion against You.  Change hearts.  May this be the day that they will hear and choose to give their lives to You.  We pray this in the Name of Jesus, our mighty Lord. Amen.

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