Thursday, April 30, 2020

Acts 27-28  Luke concludes this account of Paul's life with this statement, "Paul remained two whole years...  openly and without hindrance proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus the Messiah."   He was still a prisoner of Rome, but he was not hindered from completing the tasks that God had planned for him. Many people came to trust in Jesus through Paul's teachings.. personally and through the letters that we still read,  fulfilling the words that Jesus spoke to Paul after they met on the road to Damascus.

God had a plan and He completed his plan for Paul.

We are thankful that God's plans and purposes are completed in His people... through storms and shipwrecks, through persecution and suffering, and even through imprisonments and death.

At the end of his life, Paul wrote to his beloved Timothy.. ".. I am already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith; in the future there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing."  ( 2 Tim. 4:6-8)  And, "The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will being me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen". ( v18)

Father, we ask that You complete Your will, Your plan in each of us. May we also be able to stand before You on that day and receive the crown of righteousness.  Deliver us from every evil and bring us safely to Your Kingdom we pray. All glory and praise to You, our Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Acts 23-26  Paul is tried before Felix, then Festus, and then King Agrippa.  Each time he is considered innocent of the charges that the Jews were bringing against him.  There were  also many that were trying to kill him by setting ambushes. Through it all, Paul stayed faithful and kept speaking the Truth, hoping that some would be saved.  We are not told here whether or not any of them finally believed.  But, these events brought about Paul's journey to Rome.  This was the Lord's plan for Paul all along.

In Paul's defense before Agrippa he details a little more about his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus.  Jesus says to Paul, "I have appeared to you to appoint you to serve and bear witness to what you have already seen of me, and to what you will see when I appear to you in the future. I will deliver you from the People and from the Gentiles. I am sending you to open their eyes; so that they will turn from darkness to light, from the power of the Adversary to God, and thus receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who have been separated for holiness by putting their trust in me."  (v16-18) 

These are words of "truth and sanity".. Paul says, when Festus calls him crazy.

Like Paul, we have been given words of truth and sanity to accomplish these same purposes:

That the eyes of the blinded will be opened to the Truth of Jesus Christ.
That they will turn from darkness to the Light.
That they will turn from the power of Satan to the One and only True God.
That they will receive what Jesus alone can offer - forgiveness of sins and a place in God's Kingdom.

Wherever we are, Father, and whoever we are sent to.. give us boldness to proclaim these words of Truth and Life.  Some will call us crazy.  But, some may listen and turn to You.  Open blinded eyes and hardened hearts we pray, in the Name of Jesus our Lord, Amen.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Acts 21-22  Paul willingly and deliberately heads to Jerusalem.  Every stop they made, people who loved him tried to warn him and stop him.  But, Paul was determined.  "I am prepared not only to be tied up, but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."  v13

In Jerusalem, the prophecies about what would happen to Paul, happened.  He was dragged from the temple, beaten by the crowd, and rescued by the Romans.  He was about to be beaten by the Romans when he let them know that he was a Roman citizen by birth.  

This is the  beginning of the end... Paul had known since the day that his eyes were opened that this is where he would end up.  Ananias told him, " The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will and to see the Righteous One, and to hear an utterance from His mouth. For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard."   Paul was determined to do exactly what Jesus told him to do.  He ran the race and was faithful even through the most horrible of circumstances.

Paul had the great privilege of seeing the resurrected Jesus, hearing His voice, and knowing "everything that[ had] been laid out for [him]  to do.." (v11).  But, he also had a great responsibility and burden to preach the good news while enduring persecution, beatings, and worse.

Paul's words in II Corinthians 12:9-10 are a testimony to this, " And, He has said to me,' My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.' Most gladly, therefore , I will rather boast about my weaknesses, that the power of Christ many dwell in me. Therefore, I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. " 

Father in heaven, may we be prepared to live for You and to die for You, knowing that Your grace is sufficient for every one of us.  We acknowledge that we are weak and we rejoice that You are strong!
Let Your power be seen in us, Your children, so that the name of Jesus Christ will be exalted. O Father, may we be found faithful, even as Your servant Paul was faithful to the end.  Fill us with Your Spirit today we ask, in Jesus' name and for His glory, Amen.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Acts 20  Paul and his friends make their final journey through Macedonia and Greece.. heading to Jerusalem.  Paul knows this is the last time he will see these believers.  He knows that what lies ahead will include "imprisonment and persecution".  But, he makes this statement, ".. I consider my own life of no importance to me whatsoever, as long as I can finish the course ahead of me, the task I received from the Lord Jesus - to declare in depth the Good News of God's love and kindness." (v24)

Can we say, along with Paul, that nothing in our lives is more important than this.. that we finish the course God has set for us.. and do the tasks He has called us to do?  These thoughts take me back to  the sermon from yesterday.. ( if you would like to hear it.. check out the Alliance Church of Zephyrhills facebook page )  Pastor Teddy O'Farrell preached a powerful message about what happens now... (I don't think he'll mind me using his main points; did I get them all? )

Purpose-  We are assured that God still has a purpose for each of us, even as he had for Paul.
Prayer-  The most important thing we need to be doing! Is this the task God has assigned to you?  Yes!!! It is a vital work for all God's children!
Praise- We are all called to this task also!
Power- Holy Spirit power is given to us so that we can do what God calls us to do.
Proclaim- We have a life-giving, vital message  - the Good News of God's love and kindness!
Produce- God calls us to life fruit-filled lives as we abide in the True Vine.. our Lord Jesus Christ.

Father in heaven, have Your way in our lives. There is nothing more important than this.. that we finish the course You have set before us and that we do the tasks You have called us to and enabled us to do.  Your will be done on earth.. in each of us.. as it is done in heaven.  In Jesus' name. amen.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Acts 18-19   Paul continued to go from city to city preaching the Word of God.  He "felt pressed by the urgency of the message.." ( v5)  He added men and women to his company,  sometimes leaving them to work in the churches and sometimes taking them along with him.   God was working powerfully through Paul and through others. The name of Jesus and the message of the gospel spread throughout Asia and into Europe.

Ephesus was the place where some Jewish exorcists tried to use the name of Jesus to cast out demons and the evil spirit said, "Jesus I know. And Paul I recognize. But you? Who are you?"  And the man with the  evil spirit beat them badly. This incident caused great fear.. but it also brought a change on those who had professed faith but were still practicing the occult.  "Many of those... came and admitted publicly their evil deeds; and a considerable number of those who had engaged in occult practices threw their scrolls in a pile and burned them in public." 

" Thus the message about the Lord continued in a powerful way to grow in influence."

And.. the opposition grew too.  A riot broke out when the silversmiths who made objects for the worship of Artemis realized that they were losing money because of people turning away from the idol worship.   It was the wisdom of a city clerk who finally calmed the crowd and sent people home.

In the book of Revelation we find 7 letters from Jesus to His church.  The first of these is the letter to Ephesus. Jesus commends them for their deeds and perseverance , but warns them of the need to repent  because they had "left [their] first love."   He tells them that they will be removed unless they repented and turned to the love they had at first. Love that led to confession and complete submission to the only True God.  Love that denied themselves and took up their crosses and followed Jesus. 

Father in heaven, You alone are worthy of our love and devotion.  May we not lose our passion for Jesus Christ and just go through the motions of christianity.  Direct our hearts into Your love, Father. 
Fill us with Your Spirit and ignite our hearts with Your love. We sense the urgency of the message, Lord.  We want to faithfully serve You by sharing Your love and the good news of Jesus Christ with those around us. Grant us the words to speak and the boldness to speak up.  We ask this in the name of our Loving Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Acts 17  Paul presents the gospel in Thessalonica and then Berea and many come to believe in Jesus. But,  the unbelieving Jews came after him in both places, so Paul was evacuated to Athens.  There, Paul is given an opportunity to speak to many, ending up before the High Council.   There, Paul introduces them to the "Unknown God"..

"The God who made the universe and everything in it, and who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in man-and temples; nor is He served by human hands, as if He lacked something; since it is He himself who gives life and breath and everything to everyone."  (v24-25)   This is our God!

"From one man He made every nation living on the entire surface of the earth, and He fixed the limits of their territories and the periods when they would flourish. God did this so that people would look for Him and perhaps reach out and find him although in fact he is not far from each one of us, for in him we live and move and exist." ( v26-28a)  This is our most gracious God!

".. Indeed, as some of the poets among you have said, 'We are actually his children.'  so since we're children of God, we shouldn't suppose that God's essence resembles gold, silver, or stone shaped by human technique and imagination." (v28b-29)  Hallelujah! Our God lives and reigns. He is transcendent and gloriously infinite!

"In the past, God overlooked such ignorance; but now He is commanding all people everywhere to turn to Him from their sins. For He has set a Day when He will judge the inhabited world, and do it justly, by means of a Man whom He has designated. And He has given public proof of it by resurrecting this man from the dead."  ( v30-31)  This is the Truth!

Father in Heaven,  Mighty God, maker of heaven and earth, we praise and worship You alone.  Thank You for making Yourself known to us.  Thank You for making Yourself available to all who look for You and reach out to You and find You!  Thank You that we serve a Living God, who gives us Life through Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  Thank You that You have shown us the way to turn from sin and to You.  Thank You that there is now no condemnation to those who trust in Jesus! All praise and honor and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Acts 16  Paul, Silas, and now Timothy are called to proclaim the Gospel in Macedonia.  In Philippi, they meet Lydia and begin a church in her home after "the Lord opened up her heart to respond.. " to the Gospel.

Satan attacks, through a poor demon-possessed slave girl, who screams after them every day, "These men are servants of the Most High God. They are telling you how to be saved!" (v17).   While the words were true, the problem was that this was coming from an evil spirit. Paul was greatly disturbed and commanded, in the name of Jesus, that the spirit to leave her and it did.  This, however, caused a problem since her owners could no longer use her to make money for themselves.  So, they stirred up the judges, had Paul and Silas arrested, beaten, and thrown into a prison.

But, God... !  God had a plan!  An earthquake shook the prison.  All the doors were opened!  All the chains were removed.  The jailor and his whole family became believers in Jesus Christ.  And Paul and Silas received an apology and and escort out of the city.

Our God moves in ways that we can't imagine.  He called Lydia, a wealthy woman, by the side of a river.. and He called a jailor and his whole family, through an earthquake.. in a prison.. while His servants, Paul and Silas, in stocks, beaten, and yet rejoicing... trusted Him to do great things.

Some will come to the Lord gently.. with a stirring to their soul, like Lydia.
Some will come through a violent and painful, life-changing experience.
God's plan is unique to each of us, isn't it?  We each have a story to tell... about how God opened our hearts.  Perhaps it is time to share your story with someone today!

Father in heaven,  I am so thankful that You opened my heart to believe in Jesus Christ as my  Savior and Lord.  Thank You that You have a plan and that You do amazing and impossible things to reach us and draw us to Yourself. Whatever way You choose to work, Father,  we pray that You would bring believe on the name of Jesus Christ and be saved. We ask this in the Name of our precious Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Acts 15  Another struggle in the early church was that some Jewish believers thought that Gentiles would have to be circumcised and converted to Judaism before they could be "real" Christians.  This came to a head when some traveled to Antioch and preached this, causing "discord and dispute" among the congregation.  Paul and Barnabas traveled to Jerusalem to bring this to the apostles and church leaders for a final ruling on the matter.

The final decision came after Peter spoke up about his experience with Cornelius. It was quite evident that the Lord had accepted these uncircumcised Gentiles because He poured out His Holy Spirit on them.  The bottom line is that ".. it is through the love and kindness of the Lord Jesus that we trust and are delivered.."  

Our God desires ALL the nations to follow Him. He wants people from every tongue and tribe and nation; from every race and every background.  The salvation through Jesus Christ is available to all those who call on His name and put their trust in Him alone.  Hallelujah!!!

The other point that this chapter makes to me, is that our God does not want us to have "discord and disputes".. He does not want us to be confused and have unsettled minds or souls. ( v24).   The instructions given to the Gentiles, to "abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled; and from fornication.."  were things that would encourage moral behaviors  and that would allow unity between the Jewish believers and the Gentile believers.   The letter sent to the churches contained this phrase... " having become of one mind." . It was an unanimous decision.  And it encouraged and strengthened the church.

Paul encouraged the church in Colosse to " Watch out, so that no one will take you captive by means of philosophy and empty deceit, following human tradition ..."  Again dealing with the issue of circumcision and potential of discord and disunity in the church.  His words in chapter 2 are a great source for prayer for our own church:

Pray that we "may be encouraged".
Pray that we "may be joined(knit) together in love.." 
Pray that we, "may have all the riches derived from being assured of understanding and fully knowing God's secret truth, which is - the Messiah! It is in Him that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden." 

There may always be some disagreements between believers.. but our prayer must be that the Lord will unite us together in Christ Jesus our Lord.

" Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant us to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus that with one accord we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."  ( Romans 15:5-6)

Monday, April 20, 2020

Acts 14  Paul and Barnabas go to Iconium and preach the good news there.  Again, some believe and some reject the truth.  Even after Paul heals a man crippled from birth, there is a problem because the people there think they are Zeus and Hermes.  The unbelieving Jews come and cause many to turn against Paul and they try to stone him.

Our enemy is working in many ways to bring confusion.. to "poison" the minds of people so that they turn against the Lord and His people.  Satan even uses "religious" people.  He uses good people and bad people...  he uses false religions and he even uses so-called christians to confuse and keep people from believing the Truth. It is vital that we keep speaking up... keep speaking the Good News about Jesus!

Paul confronts the false beliefs with the truth of Who God is.. " We are announcing Good News to you - turn from these worthless things to the living God who made heaven and earth and the sea and everything in them." ( v15)

Paul encourages those who believed to continue to be "true to the faith" and that "it is through many hardships that we must enter the Kingdom of God." ( v22)  He them commits them into the Lord's hands.

This brings to mind Ephesians 6:10 -13   "Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with His mighty strength! Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary.  For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm.  So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing." 

Father in heaven,  we come to You in union with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, asking once again for His mighty strength, so that we might stand firm and true in faith, even through many hardships.
We thank You for the Truth- Jesus Christ, who holds us together, who girds us about with Himself.   We put on His righteousness, for He is our Redeemer.  We wear the shoes of peace - ready to share the Good News with others.  Thank You. We are taking up our shields of faith, trusting You "to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One".  We are taking up our helmets of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.. and we are praying.  Lord God, maker of heaven and earth, deliver us from the evil one and keep us walking in the Light.  May Your Name be glorified and honored. And, may Your Kingdom come!  Amen.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Acts 13  Saul and Barnabas were "set apart"  by the Holy Spirit to go and preach the Good News.   After a stop in Cyprus, they went to  Pisidian Antioch.   There, Paul is given an opportunity to speak in the synagogue and many come to believe in Jesus.  The next week, most of the town shows up to hear about Jesus.

Paul makes the gospel message clear to both Jews and Gentiles. "God-fearers!  It is to us that the message of this deliverance has been sent!" ( v26)

The good news is that Jesus is risen from the dead;  he has fulfilled all the promises and prophecies written about  Him. "Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, through this man is proclaimed the forgiveness of sins!  That is, God clears everyone who puts his trust in this man, even in regard to all the things concerning which you could not be cleared by the Torah of Moses." (  38 - 39)

This is the Gospel and it thrills our souls!  Yet, the jealous Jews rejected it.  Paul said the them, "It was necessary that God's word be spoken first to you. But since you are rejecting it and are judging yourselves unworthy of eternal life - why we're turning to the Gentiles!" (v46)

To reject the truth about Jesus is to "judge yourself unworthy of eternal life". 

I have to stop and reread that verse. It strikes me.. deeply. Too many of my loved ones have done just that.  They have rejected Jesus.  They have judged themselves unworthy of eternal life.  Oh, God of mercy... forgive them and bring them to the Truth.

Like Paul and Barnabas, we are to be "as a light for the nations, to be for deliverance to the ends of the earth."  Verse 48 "The Gentiles were very happy to hear this. They honored the message about the Lord and as many as had been appointed to eternal life came to trust." 

We are reminded here that it is our job to be a light and to share the Good News about Jesus,  but it is God's Hands to appoint people for eternal life.

Father,  You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  You have given us life through Jesus Christ the Lord.  We have put our trust in Him.  Thank You for appointing us to eternal life.  Father, we pray for those who have rejected the Lord Jesus.  We pray for their eyes to be opened and their hearts to receive the Word, the Good News, and to trust in Him.  We entreat You on their behalf,  Father. Asking this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Acts 12  James, the brother of John, is arrested and put to death by Herod. Peter is arrested and put into prison.  On the night before he was to be brought to trial, an angel was sent to Peter in answer to the prayers of the Christians.

His chains fell off.
He was told to dress.
He was led through a gate that opened by itself.
And, he was led through the street.

It was only then that Peter realized that this was not a dream!

When Herod finds out that Peter is gone.. his anger is unleashed.
He has the guards killed.
He leaves the area.
And, he brings about his own doom by receiving glory that only belongs to God.

Two men.. Peter and Herod.
One is delivered in a miraculous way that gives glory to God.
One is destroyed because of he would not give glory to God.

The constant message of the Scriptures is once again delivered to us - choose life or choose death.
Life is in Christ alone. 
Death is in everything else.

Psalm 145:20 "Adonai protects all who love him, but all the wicked he destroys." 

Father in heaven,  You are great and greatly to be praised.  Your greatness is beyond "all searching out".  We praise Your mighty works and proclaim your mighty acts.  We meditate on Your "glorious splendor.". ..your majesty.. your kingship.. your glory!  You are good to all.  You are gracious and merciful.  You are righteous in all Your ways, and full of grace and kindness in all You do. Lord God, we call on You and You hear us.  Thank You.  We pray that people everywhere will bless Your holy name and praise You with all their hearts. Amen.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Acts 11  When Peter returned to Jerusalem, he was criticized for going into the home of a Gentile. He patiently explains exactly what happened and they all rejoiced and praised God together for "God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life." v18 NASB.  The Jewish Bible records that verse this way... " this means that God has enabled the Gentiles as well to do t'shuvah and have life!" 

"T'shuvah"  means turning.  Turning from sin to God.  In Greek the word is "metanoia" - to think differently, to reconsider , to feel guilt or compunction.. reversal.  Compunction, a word we don't use often,  is defined as - "a pricking.. of the conscience.. a sharp feeling of uneasiness brought on by a sense of guilt; a twinge of conscience; remorse;"

There were people turning to the Lord Jesus everywhere the Good News was being preached.  In Antioch a church was established.  Barnabas and Saul led the church that first year.  The church was growing, they were seeing "the grace of God at work".  Yet, persecution and famine were about to explode in the whole region.  How did the church handle that news?  They prepared to help.

We see this happening today.  We are facing this pandemic.  The economy is in trouble.  Politicians are fighting.  The media is intent on anything negative ( or so it seems to me).   But, there are people who are turning to the Lord.  God has granted "repentance that leads to life".  The church is reaching out to help those in need.

The grace of God IS at work. 

Father in Heaven, we praise Your Name.  Your plan is always perfect and  good.  You use all things according to Your purposes.  We are thankful to You  for granting us salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.
We thank You that Your grace is at work.. calling people to Yourself.  We pray " Your Kingdom come"... asking for a great harvest of souls, here in our country and around the world.  Strengthen Your people for the tasks ahead.  May we see hearts changed as You grant "repentance that leads to life. "  We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Lord of all, amen.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Acts 9:32-10:48

Peter began to travel through the land and came to Lydda where he heals a paralyzed man.  He is then called to Joppa on behalf of Tabitha, a godly woman who had died. Peter went and prayed for her and she was revived and restored to her community.  These miracles brought many more people to believe in Jesus.  Peter stayed in Joppa.  And, again we see that God had a wonderful plan. 

Peter had a vision that prepared him to do something that he would never have done on his own initiative.  In the vision there are unclean animals presented and Peter is told to kill them and eat.  After three times, Peter gets the point.. ".. God has shown me not to call any person common or unclean;"  He goes willingly to meet with Cornelius, the Roman officer.  As Peter presents the gospel, the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit.  Peter and his Jewish friends are amazed and thrilled at what God is doing!

It is always a joy to read the message of the Gospel..
Peter says it this way:

"... God does not play favorites, but .. whoever fears Him and does what is right - is acceptable 
( welcome) to   Him, no matter what people he belongs to.." ( v34)

" The word - the message which He sent to the sons of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus the Messiah, who is Lord of everything...." ( v36)

It started in Galilee after the baptism of John.  Jesus was anointed" by the Holy Spirit and with power. 
He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with HIm." 

"And they put Him to death by hanging Him on a cross." v39

"God raised Him up on the third day and granted that He should become visible, not to all the people but to the witnesses who were chosen beforehand by God, that is to us, who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead." ( v41)

"And He ordered us to preach to the people, and solemnly testify that this is the One who has been appointed by God as Judge of the living and the dead. Of Him the prophets bear witness that through His name everyone who believes in Him ( puts his trust in Him)  receives forgiveness of sins. "( v 42-43)

Praise to our God and Father and to the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who does not play favorites! Praise to our God who sent His One and only Son to bring Good News.. to die on a cross and to rise again from the dead.. that we can believe in Him, trust in Him and receive forgiveness of our sins in His Name.  Amazing grace.. wonderful truth.  Father, let this good news fill our land that many more will come to trust in Jesus only, receive Your Holy Spirit, and live with You forever more.  Give us boldness to speak up!  We pray this in the name of Jesus, who is Lord of everything. Amen.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Acts 9:1-31  Saul," breathing murderous threats"... gets permission to go to Damascus to arrest Christians there and return them to Jerusalem for trial and judgement.  His heart was filled with hatred, zealous "for[his] ancestral traditions" ( Gal. 1:14).  In his testimony before Agrippa, Paul says, "So then,  I thought to myself that I had to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus of Nazereth. And this is just what I did in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up many of the saints in prisons, having received authority from the chief priests, but also when they were being put to death I cast my vote against them. And I punished them often in all the synagogues, I tried to force them to blaspheme; and being furiously enraged at them, I kept pursuing them even to foreign cities." ( Acts 26:9-11)

But... God had a plan!   He tells Ananias, ".. this man is my chosen instrument to carry my name to the nations, even to the kings, and to the sons of Israel as well." 

Jesus meets Saul on the road to Damascus. It is an incredible intervention in the life of a man filled with hate. " Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"  Jesus says.  And Saul doesn't even know who is talking to him until He reveals it.. " I am Jesus who you are persecuting."  ( v4-5)

 We know the story.  Saul has met Jesus and his life is forever changed.  He spends 3 days in prayer and fasting until the Lord sends Ananias to pray for him and to touch his eyes. From that point on, all Saul/ Paul can do is speak about Jesus. He is filled with the Holy Spirit and with power.  He spoke to anyone and everyone "proving that this Jesus is the Christ." ( v22)

Recently, a friend and I talked about praying for Damascus road experiences for our lost loved one.
Does God have a plan to intervene in the life of_________?  Who would you pray for this way?
I have a burden for the unbelievers in my family.  And, I am praying that Jesus will stop them in their tracks and bring them to faith in Himself.. changing their lives forever.  May God have mercy on them, unveiling their blind eyes and opening their ears to hear the truth.

Father in heaven,  You hear our prayers.  You are able to do this incredible work.  We cannot change their minds, but You can intervene as we intercede.  Praise God that You are full of mercy and grace!
Help us to be like Paul, proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ wherever we are, even if it causes an uproar!  Thank You!  All glory, honor, and praise we lift to Your Name.  Amen.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Acts 8  This chapter introduces us to Saul and his role as persecutor of the church.  The believers are scattered as Saul and others began to drag believers into prison. Yet, God had a plan!  These believers went with their most valuable possession.. the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The rest of this chapter deals with Philip, one of the 7 chosen to serve the church.  Philip went to Samaria, proclaiming Jesus, and many came to believe. This news traveled back to Jerusalem and Peter and John came down to see what was happening.  The new believers did not automatically receive the Holy Spirit, but when Peter and John laid their hands on them and prayed, they received Him.

Philip was  then sent south, where he met the Ethiopian eunuch, and proclaimed the good news to him.

Samaritans, Ethiopians, and even magicians...  the Gospel was proclaimed and received and many were saved.

I am reminded again that NO MATTER WHAT... God has a plan.. and that plan is that the Good News of Jesus Christ will be proclaimed... and people of every tongue and tribe and nation need to hear it and receive it so that they may be saved. 

God used Saul, even when he was a persecutor of the church, to spread the Gospel!
God used Philip on a lonely road to share the Gospel with an Ethiopian eunuch!

God can use anyone to share the Gospel... even me.. or you.
And.. He can bring anyone into His Kingdom.. even the most unlikely of characters.

It doesn't matter to God if we are quarantined in our homes.. if we are in a lonely place.. or if we are in the midst of the trial of our lives... He has a plan and He will use us to proclaim the Good News about Jesus Christ so that others may come to believe.  May we be like Philip... willing to go wherever the Lord sends us.. whether that is physically or via the internet!

Father in heaven, we give thanks to You .. "who always leads us in His triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved.. " ( II Cor. 2:14-15a)  We pray for those who do not yet know You, asking in the Name of Jesus, that You will unveil their blinded eyes and open their deaf ears, so that they will hear the Good News and believe.  You are great and mighty and Your love is unfailing Father.  We give You all our praise and worship You alone!  Be glorified in Your church this day we pray.. in Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Acts 6-7 Stephen was chosen, along with 6 other men, to be in charge of helping the needy widows among the believers.  The apostles needed to focus on the Word and on prayer, but this other ministry was also important.  The requirements for these 7 men were precise - they had to be full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom.

Stephen is said to be "full of grace and power".  He performed miracles and spoke with wisdom and the Spirit.  The opposition could not stand up against him with their arguments.. so they resorted to lies.  They had him arrested and they participated in stoning him to death.  The persecution of the believers began in earnest.

Stephen preached a powerful message before he died.  But, the last words he spoke are .. stunning... amazing.. gripping... challenging..  ( I really can't find the right word here)  -

  "As they were stoning him, Stephen called out to God, ' Lord Jesus! Receive my spirit !' Then he kneeled down and shouted out,' Lord, Don't hold this sin against them!'  With that, he died'" ( Acts 7:59-60)

O Father, fill your church with Your Holy Spirit and with wisdom.  May Your children be full of grace and power.  May we speak with wisdom by the power of Your Spirit.  May we be ready to give You our lives and to intercede for those who are angry, lost, and rebellious; even those who persecute us.  Sanctify us through and through, Jesus, so that on the day You call us home, we will see You, standing on the right hand of God.. ready to receive us to Yourself. Be glorified in Your Church.. Your Bride.. Your Body.  To the praise of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Acts 5

As the church begins to grow and thrive, Satan throws a fiery dart.. and it lands in the hearts of Ananias and Sapphira.  They see what is going on among the believers and they decide to sell their property too.  But... they don't want to give it all away.. so they lie about it.  The problem wasn't that they didn't give the full amount they received for their property.  The problem was that they wanted the recognition for giving their all.. without giving their all.

Like the rich young ruler who couldn't sell all he owned and give it to the poor, Ananias and Sapphira didn't trust God to provide... and it cost them their lives.

This is one of those truths that hit us right in the heart ,.. can we... will we..  give Him our ALL?

Can we be like the widow who gave her last two coins?  Will we?  We sing about being "fully surrendered".. but are we?  Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our crosses and follow Him.  If we try to save our lives we will lose them, but if we lose our lives for Him... we will find it.. find Life! Those are His Words and they are calling us to give Him everything...

And, Jesus doesn't stop with our money or property... He says, " If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." ( Luke 14:26)   The cost of following Jesus is... everything.. "So therefore, no one of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his own possessions." ( v33)
Count the cost.. Jesus warns us.

We must learn to trust Him!  Ananias and Sapphira.. did not. They gave in to the lie that God didn't see what they tried to hide. They missed the message that we are called to seek God first.. His kingdom and His righteousness and trust Him to provide "all these things..."  He calls  us to not "worry about your life - what you will eat and drink; or about your body - what you will wear.  Isn't life more than food and the body more than clothing?" ( Matt. 6:25)  But, to know that our Father, who feeds the birds and clothes the lilies.. will care for us.

Father in heaven, we are so thankful to serve You, our God who does the impossible things.. who loves us and understands our weaknesses. Thank You for giving us the will and the works that You choose for us to do.. even to the point of laying down our lives for You.  Thank You that we are attached to the Vine, branches bearing fruit for Your glory..  Help us to lay it all down.. all our possessions.. all our family.. all our concerns.. all our fears.. everything, so that we can take up our crosses and follow Jesus. We know and believe that it will be worth it all when we see You one day soon, face to face...
  We ask this in His name, this Beloved Son who laid down His life for us, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Acts 4 /When  Peter and John were arrested for preaching about Jesus after the crippled man was healed,  they were asked, "By what power or in what name did you do this?"

Peter is once again filled with the Holy Spirit and lets them know that it is in the Name of Jesus - the same one that they had executed and who had risen again - that this miracle had been accomplished.

Peter proclaims boldly, "There is salvation in no one else! For there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by whom we must be saved!"  

There is no other Name...
No other Savior..
No other Healer.
No other Cornerstone.
No other Messiah.
No other Hope.

Peter and John were released and went home rejoicing! They prayed for boldness to proclaim this message.  The church grew.  The people were united.  And, "...abundant grace was upon them all.." 

Father, we pray for this boldness and grace... to proclaim the salvation that only Jesus can provide.
Fill Your church again, Holy Spirit!  "Stretch out your hand to heal and to do signs and miracles through the name of Your Servant,  Jesus." May there be a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God, we pray, in the Name of the only One who saves,  Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Acts 3  The crippled man was carried every day.. to the "Beautiful Gate".  He hoped for a small gift. He had been crippled all of his life.  He had no hope of anything more.  But, when Peter and John came by and said " Look at us!".. the man turned their way.  He hoped only for a coin.. but what he got was far more!  "In the name of Jesus Christ, the Nazarene - walk!" Peter said, as he pulled the man to his feet.  In that brief second, the mans feet and ankles became stronger than they had ever been in his entire life.  He walked.. he leaped.. and he praised God!

As the crowd gathers, Peter uses this opportunity to tell them about Jesus.  He doesn't pull any punches... " .. you disowned the Holy and Righteous One.." (NIV); "You killed the author of life!" (CJB)..

But... " God has raised Him from the dead!" 
God "fulfilled what he had announced in advance, when He spoke through all the prophets.."

"Therefore , repent and turn to God, so that your sins may be erased." 
"... God has sent his servant whom he raised up, so that he might bless you by turning each one of you from your evil ways." 

 If the crippled man had not turned... he would have remained as he was.. unable to stand, let alone walk or leap.
If we do not turn to the One who can erase our sin.. we will remain just as we are.. unable to live.. for we are crippled in our sinfulness..

But, Praise God, we have a Savior who died to pay the price for our sins, who rose again on the third day, and who sits at the right hand of the Father until that day when He comes again for all who will trust Him! 

Father, we praise You for the wonderful and precious gift that You have given to all who will trust You.. salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  We will celebrate this week.. this amazing gift of grace.  May many, many more people.. turn to You and find Life through His Name. The Name above all names, the Name of Jesus. Amen.

Friday, April 3, 2020

Acts 2  recalls the most important and exciting event of the Church - the coming of the Holy Spirit!
The believers were together.. waiting.. when this roaring sound suddenly filled the house and what looked like tongues of fire "separated and came to rest on each one of them." 

It was an amazing, powerful event that brought the whole city and the  Pentecost celebrating Jews from all over the world who had crowded into the city.. running to the house to see what was happening.  They heard the followers of Jesus speaking - in their own languages.. every single one present heard about the "great things God [had] done." 

Peter, stands  up and preaches the gospel, the Good News about Jesus, who did miraculous works of God; who was arrested, tried, and crucified on a cross; who was raised from the dead, for "it was impossible that death could keep its hold on him." Jesus who sits at the right hand of God!

  -  and thousands put their faith in Jesus, are baptized and join together.  The Church is launched!

 "Continuing faithfully and with singleness of purpose... "
They shared their food and their joy.
They praised God.
They gained respect.
They helped each other.
They stayed together.

Peter's message is still relevant!  When people ask "Brothers, what should we do?"  The answer remains the same.. " Turn from sin, return to God, be immersed ( baptized)  on the authority of Jesus the Messiah into forgiveness of your sins, and you will  receive  the gift of the Holy Spirit." 

They finally heard the good news and believed.
What will it take for your loved one, your neighbor, your co-worker... to really hear and believe?
If ".. faith comes from hearing and hearing by the word of Christ"  then we need to keep speaking up!

Father, we pray that once again You would pour out Your Holy Spirit upon Your sons and daughters. that we might boldly share the Good News of Jesus Christ.  Open the ears and unveil the eyes of those still lost and living in rebellion against You.  Change hearts.  May this be the day that they will hear and choose to give their lives to You.  We pray this in the Name of Jesus, our mighty Lord. Amen.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Note:  My normal pattern of study is to focus on one book in the Old Testament and then one from the New Testament.  So, finishing Numbers, I am moving to my next New Testament book - Acts.
I am also using two translations of the Bible at this time ( in case some of the quotations sound different).. one is the The Complete Jewish Study Bible ( a recent gift that is very enlightening) and the New American Standard Bible.

Acts 1
Luke takes up the narrative that follows his first book recording the life of Christ.  He begins with the ascension of Jesus.  The disciples watched as Jesus "was taken up before their eyes; and a cloud hid him from their sight."  They didn't know what would happen next.  They had hoped for the restoration of their nation. But, they were only told to wait.. wait for "what the Father promised.." 
And so they did.

How did they wait?

They waited together.
They waited in prayer.
They waited in obedience to the Scriptures.

One of my favorite books is Waiting On God byAndrew Murray.  I could quote this whole little book here and it would fill your souls.. but I'll contain myself to this one passage:

"There can be no good but what God works; to wait upon God, and have the heart filled with faith in His working, and in that faith to pray for His mighty power to come down, is our only wisdom. Oh for the eyes of our heart to be opened to see God working in ourselves and in others, and to see how blessed it is to worship and just to wait for His salvation! Our private and public prayer is our chief expression of our relation to God. It is in them chiefly that our waiting upon God must be exercised. If our waiting begin by quieting the activities of nature and being still before God; if it bows and seeks to see God in His universal and almighty operation, alone able and always ready to work all good; if it yields itself to Him in the assurance that He is working and will work in us;  if it maintains the place of humility and stillness, and surrenders until God's Spirit has quickened the faith that He will perfect His work: it will indeed become the strength and joy of the soul."

"My should waits in silence for God alone; my salvation comes from Him." ( Ps. 62:1)

Father, we are waiting upon You for our salvation... for our every need.. for the good that You desire for each of us and for the Church as a whole.  We are waiting in faith.  We are waiting in separate homes, but together in spirit.  We are waiting in prayer, interceding for the lost, the hurting, and the overwhelmed. Let Your glory be revealed in our nation as Your people pray. Heal our land.  Heal our world.   We hear Your words, " Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." ( Psalm 46:10)  You are our stronghold and You are with us!
Praise Your Holy Name!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Numbers 28-36  These last chapters deal with various issues and end with the people of Israel camped across the Jordan from Jericho.

Chapter 28-29 contain a reminder of the daily sacrifices as well as the various feasts throughout the year.  Adonai emphasized that Israel was to "take care to offer.. at the proper time.." every offering.
Every morning and every evening.. every Sabbath.. continually coming into His Presence to worship. 

Chapter 30 emphasizes the need to keep vows.  It also gives the father or husband of a woman to disapprove of and invalidate a vow made by a daughter or wife.

Chapter 31 records the vengeance taken against the Midianites for their betrayal of Israel.

Chapter 32 is the account of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh requesting land on the east side of the Jordan.

Chapter 33 is a record of every move that Israel made during their 40 years in the wilderness.

Chapter 34 addresses the future borders of Israel and the heads of each tribe who will help distribute their portion to each family.

Chapter 35 speaks of the cities given to the Levites and the Cities of refuge. Here the Lord gives them an important reminder that they must not "defile the land in which you are living.."  There is a standard of judgement that is the Lord's command. To break it is to bring God's wrath.  "No, you are not to defile the land in which you live and in which I live; for I Adonai, live among the people of Israel." 

Chapter 36 fixes and issue with the daughters of Zelophehad who were to inherit property along with the men of the tribe of Manasseh. The solution was to require the women to marry men from their own tribe so that their land would stay in their tribe.

All these things were completed.  Moses will give his final charge to Israel and then he will go up into the mountain to die. Then Israel, under the leadership of Joshua, would move one more time.

We still are waiting for Israel to move one more time.. to be the people of God that they are meant to be.  We look forward to the day when Adonai will once and for all "live among the people of Israel."

" And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne, saying, 'Behold the tabernacle of God is among men, and He shall dwell among them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be among them.'"  Revelation 21:1-3

As God prepared Israel to move into the promised land so that He could live with them... so even now He prepares us, His children for a new earth.. where we will dwell with Him forever.. " and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying or pain; the first things have passed away. " (21:4)

Father in heaven,  we look to You and await that glorious day when all things are made new.  We proclaim that You are faithful and true and all these things will be accomplished according to Your Word.  May we be ready, Lord!  May we live for You.  Sanctify us through and through.. that our bodies, souls and spirits are preserved complete and without blame at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.