Monday, March 2, 2020

John 13
"Having loved his own people in the world, he loved them to the end."  v1b

Jesus knew that Judas was about to betray him.
He knew that "the Father had put everything in his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God."
He washed their feet to set an example for them to follow.. "If you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." 
He tells them that one of them is going to betray Him.
He hands the bread to Judas who then leaves.

And then.. He gives them the final commandment:
"I am giving you a new command: that you keep on loving each other. In the same way that I have loved you, you are to keep loving each other." 

He has more to say on this final night together before the cross. But, this is the most important -
Love. Serve. Love.

He "loved them to the end."  He loved Judas even though He knew that the betrayal was coming.
He loved Peter, even though He knew the denial was coming.  He loved them all... knowing they would be scattered.  His love never ended.  It took Him to the cross.. into the tomb.. and out again!

He loved them even after He ascended to heaven, sending His Spirit to them as He promised.
Love like this.. He tells them... and us.

Love even when they betray you or deny you.. or leave you.
Serve, with humility and kindness.
Live like Jesus would.. knowing He is in you and will help you to do all things by His power and strength.

Father,  Help us, for we are weak, but You are strong.  May the Love of Christ be found in us and flow through us.  May we love one another.. as Jesus has loved us.. to the end. And then for eternity.
We ask this in His name. amen.

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