Friday, March 6, 2020

John 16-17  Jesus prepares His disciples for what is about to happen.
He tells them that He is going away but will be back.
He tells them that He is going to send them a Counselor.
He tells them that they are loved by the Father and that they can ask the Father anything in His name.

And then.. He prays.  And what a prayer!

Jesus prays that He might be glorified as He was before creation.
He prays that He may glorify the Father by completing the work He was given to do.
He glorifies the Father by making His name known.
He is glorified by the ones that God has given Him.. the ones who have "eternal life".. that know the Father and the Son.. that have kept the Word.. that have trusted and loved Jesus.

Jesus prays for the Father to "guard them  (us) by the power of [His] name".. to keep them.. to protect them (us) from the Evil one.. to unite them (us)  together with Himself "so that the world may believe that you sent me." 

Jesus prays for us.. for all who come to believe through the Word.. that we all  are united as one.. and that we will be where He is.. to see His glory.

Father, our prayer is that You will complete our joy by answering the prayer of our Lord once again.. for this generation of believers. We pray also that the world will come to believe that You sent Jesus and that we might make Your name known.   To the glory of our Savior, Jesus Christ, it is in His name we pray.  Amen.

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