Thursday, March 12, 2020

Numbers 1-2  Back to the Old Testament - always a challenge, but always worth it.  The Lord speaks and we hear His voice, if we are His sheep.. and I find that it doesn't matter what book of the Bible that I am reading.  Holy Spirit, help me.. help us to hear You loud and clear today!

"Adonai speaks to Moshe in the Sinai Desert.. "  this book begins.  It is not more of the Law.. not more of the Tabernacle requirements or sacrifices.. but  very practical instructions for this vast sea of people.

First of all, the Lord calls a man from every tribe to be the leader of that tribe.  God Himself called each of them by name.
Next, He sent them among the people to count and record the name of every man 20 years old and up... all who would serve as military men.
The only ones not included in this list were the Levites, who were given the responsibility for the Tabernacle.
Then, the Lord assigned an order of camping and moving for each tribe:
 Three tribes camped to the east, three to the south, three to the west, and three to the north, surrounding the tabernacle and the tribe of Levi.  When they traveled, the tribes to the east would start out first.. Judah at the head, Issachar and Zebulun with them. Then, those to the south, Reuben, Simeon, and Gad would follow.
Nestled in-between these 2 groups and the last 2 groups would be the Levites with the tabernacle and its furniture, which they carried.  Following them would come the west side group of Manasseh, Ephraim, and Benjamin.  Then bringing up the end would be the north side group of Dan, Asher, and Naphtali.

The largest groups were at the front and at the rear of the column traveling.  The tabernacle was set in the middle and protected on all sides.  All this was done exactly as the Lord directed.  Very practical and organized.

We are reminded of a few truths here.. God knew who would be the best leader for each tribe.  He called them by name.  They took part in the census of their own tribesmen. They were respected and trusted.  Being given a place.. a responsibility.. a position.. is important to people.  Organization is so much better than random chaos!

Also, the Lord made the Place of His Presence in the center.. in the heart of His people.  It was protected and valued.  The significance of this position tells us that this was to be the priority of all their lives.

Makes me think about how we view the church.  The Bible calls the church the "Bride of Christ".  Valued and cherished by Jesus, who died for her.. for us.  Yet, do we cherish.. protect.. and value the church like we should?   Not just the building.. which we should treat kindly and care for willingly.. but the body of believers that we worship along-side of..  Do we encourage and share the burdens of our brothers and sisters that walk along this journey with us?   Do we guard the center of our fellowship.. our pastors and teachers?  Should we?  Is there a lesson here in Numbers for the church in America?

Father, lead us in Your paths that we might walk together as You ordain us to walk.  Bring leaders to head up our congregations.  Bring those in who will protect Your Presence and Your Word.  Preserve us.  Refine us. Fill us. Unite us in Christ Jesus our Good Shepherd. Teach us Your ways for our church today.  We ask this in Jesus'  name. Amen.

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