Tuesday, March 3, 2020

John 14   Love this translation.. " Don't let yourselves be disturbed.  Trust in God and trust in me."

We live in a world of disturbances  - political rancor; coronavirus panic; social schisms; international mistrust.. etc.  It is easy to be disturbed. To be troubled.  Yet, Jesus gives us the solution - Faith.

We can trust Jesus because of who He is.  Here in this sacred conversation with His disciples, Jesus gives us the truths that we can cling to.. that we can trust fully!

We can trust that Jesus is preparing a place for us so that we can be with Him.  v 2-4
We can trust Jesus because He is "the Way and the Truth and the Life." v6
We can trust Jesus because through Him we can come to the Father, know the Father, and see the Father. v7-11
We can trust Jesus that when we ask for something in His name, He will do it. v13
We can trust Jesus because He sent us the Spirit of Truth to be with us forever. v15
We trust Jesus by doing what He has commanded, which shows our love for Him. v21
We can trust Jesus when He tells us that  by abiding in and obeying His words.. we will know the Father's love for us. v 23
We can trust Jesus who gives us peace that is supernatural, from God Himself. v27
We can trust Jesus because He perfectly obeyed the Father's command.. to the cross. v30

Father in heaven, may we hear the voice of the Counselor, teaching us all the things that Jesus says to us.  May we know You more and abide in Your Word and in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord.  May we trust and obey. Grant us Your shalom.. Your Peace in a world full of disturbances.  We place our lives in Your powerful and unfailing Hands.  Hold us close and be glorified in our lives as we love You and obey Your word.  Help us we pray.. asking in Jesus' name. Amen.

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